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Opinions of Monday, 5 July 2021

Columnist: Ahmed Yussif

Chilled killings

The writer says rigorous enforcement of the laws is required to halt the numerous killings The writer says rigorous enforcement of the laws is required to halt the numerous killings

No statistics

But even if it’s only one person who dies from accidents every year

Don’t we still need to be extra careful on the road?

Both drivers and pedestrians

Instead of the requested bread

A body is returned to the family

Speeding, carelessness, drunk-driving

Turns travels into carnage

More rigorous enforcement of the laws is required

Citizens must wield responsibility

On the road

And the police on the road need to be more rules oriented

Instead of money-oriented

Accidents continue to flood our roads

Yet drivers continue to speed without facing punishments

Passengers continue to look on while they are put in jeopardy

Bad roads cause accidents

Our misuse of good roads cause accidents

As a people, what do we seek?

On my way to Accra three days ago

A speeding vehicle almost collided with the vehicle I’d boarded

The speeding vehicle had overtaken another vehicle in a curve

Our driver had to quickly apply breaks

And simultaneously steer off the road

This could have ended badly for all of us

It doesn’t matter how much we demand from our leaders

Or how much they provide us with

It won’t be enough

Though they bear huge responsibilities,

It’s only a collective action that’ll save us

If we as people don’t act right,

Some will be prosecuted

Others killed

And we will still continue to be heedless
