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Opinions of Sunday, 24 March 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Choosing a Caring Impersonator over a Callous Thief

- Which choice is yours?

? ? Would you place morality above principle? I will in any day any time choose a caring impersonator over and above a corrupt person who doubles as a gargantuan thief, call it a stealer to incur the wrath of General Mosquito Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, the Seikwa mafia, if you so wish.

? Assuming Nana Dankwah Akuffo-Addo, my alias "Obuggie", is an impersonator as alleged by a learned but purely an "educated illiterate" Justice Francis Kpegah, I will still prefer him to John Dramani Mahama. Nana's sterling qualities and achievements are all too conspicuous for even a fool to see and feel except the politically-adversely-influenced persons. Caretaker President John Dramani Mahama's unprecedented corruption and thievery on the other hand are also all too obvious to see.

? While Nana Akuffo-Addo rose to prominence in Ghana and in international circles for fighting to obtain Ghanaians human rights under the terrorist regimes led by former President J. J. Rawlings during the PNDC/NDC, John Mahama was either snoring in the comfort of his bedroom or was in the bosom of his many wives and girlfriends doing his own obvious things. Was he not probably hatching plans to unleash unprecedented corruption on our dear country Ghana? If not, why all these accusations of corruptions he is associated with or deeply mired in?

? I am persuaded John Mahama is corrupt and has not only been living on his income and allowances genuinely acquired but also, has been dipping his hands in monies that he is not due. He has contested the accusations saying, "anyone who believes I am corrupt can take me to court". I challenged him to accompany me to Nana Antoa Nyamaa shrine to swear he is not corrupt but he well dodged the offer. If he had been able to do that, nobody would ever again doubt his credibility.

? Nana Akuffo-Addo has said on many occasions and on several platforms that he is not corrupt but NOBODY in Ghana has been able to challenge him on this assertion. They simply come out to attack his person but not his character. What a nation of jokers the NDC has made of almost all Ghanaians.

? No sensible Ghanaian, except the NDC dimwits that will wish the continual stay in power by the current roguish government and party. They are not just brazen thieves but also, mediocre, incompetent, short-sighted and lawless.

? I am really peeved at the NDC thieves and the direction they are leading the country. John Mahama, as clueless in governance as he is, is leading the country into economic and social oblivion. He allows a gay activist in the US and an established thief, Alfred Agbesi Woyome to dictate to him. What a type of President he is at all?

? He was not born to lead Ghana but found a dubious means to ascend to the presidential throne hence, his difficulty of telling his left from his right as you and I are witnessing.

? The NDC, John Mahama and Kwadwo Afari-Gyan can enrol tenfold of Justice Kpegahs and the like; they will still lose the Supreme Court case despite any secret assurances given to them by whomever. The untold hardships they continue to bring upon Ghanaians are amazing. With all the problems Ghanaians are compelled to suffer under John Mahama's incompetent administration, there are NDC people like Nana Oboshie Tatram, Sly, Frank and others who go on air asking us to praise Mahama and his government. Are these people wise at all, I may ask? Do they think all Ghanaians are as stupid as they are? Let them continue to draw their monthly salaries or wages for the dirty job they are doing but they should please not take all Ghanaians for fools or seek to underrate our intelligence. Time will catch up with them, telling how deceitful they have been all these years, God willing.

? I will forever remind NPP and all discerning Ghanaians to stay RESOLUTE in their support for Nana Akuffo-Addo in pursuance of justice for himself and for all reasonable Ghanaians. Do not lose sight of Kofi Basoah's dream in which God revealed to him to tell the NPP that Nana would win the election 2012 but the NDC would rob him of the winning verdict. This was two weeks to holding the election. God recommended to him to ask NPP to be RESOLUTE in their fight to retrieve the winning verdict from John Mahama. As God reveals to redeem, Nana will surely be declared the winner by the Supreme Court provided the NPP and all discerning Ghanaians will keep up the momentum as being exhibited now. Any attempt by the NDC and their cohorts to prove God a liar will meet His unquenchable wrath.

? Over to you, DJ Sources of Sources radio UK Fm 96.3. You can get the No.1 UK radio station online by visiting Modernghana online .com. Could you please play Nana Akuffo-Addo's campaign songs for me? I love listening to them on air. I shall pop around to hold political discussions one of these days in the radio studio. I have just been too busy to even have a precious one minute to myself these days. I am busy working to ensure God's revelation about Nana Akuffo-Addo comes to pass. ?

My greetings to Maa Akosua, Abaawa Fabrics, DJ Robbie K. Sakordie of Sources radio, Hopson Adorye, Peter Nana Antwi Boasiako, Kwame Peckham, Kwame Homerton (please come out of your lair), Chairman Atta Krufi, Nana Yaw Sarpong, Kofi Tottenham, Kofi Basoah, Kwaku Burger, Kwasi Asabre, Kwame Basoah, Elizabeth Basoah, Kwaku Adu, Alias Supper, Kofi Antwi, Obaa Yaa, Maame B. Sorkodie, Obaa Kokoo and Obaa Tuntum (Belgium) etc. Keep up the good job you guys are doing, I am proud of you. Keep Nana Akuffo and Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia's flame burning on air until God's purpose for them and Ghanaians has come to pass?

? Rockson Adofo ?