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Opinions of Wednesday, 28 December 2022

Columnist: Dumenu Charles Selorm

Christians pray for things made by unbelievers to show off to unbelievers they are blessed by God

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The previous week, I had a passing thought and impression which must have been born out of years of observation. It slipped out of my jaws and I went further to write it, drawing reactions from discerning people, mostly Christians.

Many affirmed my observation and found it in-depth. Religion is such a delicate subject, so it is prudent for one to tread cautiously when running commentary of any sort on it. People may go to varying extents to do incredible and ridiculous things in the name of their faith than they may do for the love of money(arguable). It is not part of my intentions to bring any form of disrepute to the faith I and many have subscribed to for several years, however, from a panoramic view, this reflection is quite accurate.

Still, wondering what the heck I wrote to still be winding around words? here it is.” As Christians, we pray to God for things made by unbelievers to prove to unbelievers that we are the favorites of God”. I choose to call that "the irony of a paradoxical life".

From our homes to our religious grounds, we have lived off the geniuses of people we finger as "unbelievers " and unworthy of our company and presence. Moreover, we pray earnestly to God to bless us with material things made predominantly made by unbelievers, and when we by any means acquire them, we flaunt them to show unbelievers we a blessed by God.

In effect, material possessions of unbelievers have unrepentantly been the benchmark for our blessings and measure of success. For instance, our pastors and religious heads as status symbols may be wearing suits by Versace, a design founded by a gay genius on their pulpits to read a Bible that speaks against homosexuality.

Have we had a reflection about the ego and status-boosting iPhones we clamor for? Isn't the successful company run by Tim Cook a known gay? I am not canvassing for support or doing advocacy for any sexual orientation or expressiveness though.

Karl Benz, an unreligious inventor's Mercedes-Benz, is what most Christians may acquire as we claim to be drenched by heavenly showers of blessings. Are these not double standards?

I can go on with my analysis for long, however, it may be needless as my point has been conveyed in simplicity.

We seek approval and validation from unbelievers, using things made by unbelievers to prove that we are blessed by God in a world that has unbelievers as the richest and arguably the most successful.

Although we keep contradicting ourselves because of various reasons, I believe clarity may come someday and love will be our ultimate religion.
Long live mother Ghana, long live Africa.