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Opinions of Saturday, 16 December 2023

Columnist: Joseph Kingsley Eyiah

Christmas greetings from Teacher Eyiah of Toronto-Canada

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As we bid farewell to this year, I am filled with gratitude reflecting on my last year as a teacher at Broookview Middle School in the Jane/Finch area in Toronto

Getting to know the Broookview community has been an incredible journey, and each day, I am amazed by the collective brilliance and passion that defines us. Together, we've achieved remarkable milestones, and our impact resonates not only within our walls but reverberates throughout the multicultural city of the Greater Toronto Area.

The dedication and contributions of each of us have forged a community that is making a difference beyond measure. I am thrilled to be part of this journey with you, and I eagerly anticipate the possibilities that lie ahead.

Our recent school gatherings during end-of-year festivities stand out as special moments that brought together students, staff, faculty, and friends, and our community wishing tree provided a unique and heartwarming opportunity for all to share their hopes for the new year.

Christmas is here again! Though we welcome the traditions and sentiments of peace and goodwill towards all that Christmas brings with its season, the love of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, should make us live in peace with all people at all times. Spending money on or showering gifts on the poor only during Christmas is not Christ-like! Whatever the season brings in its trail the biggest lesson therein is that of GIVING.

Please, carefully answer the following questions as we welcome the Yuletide: How important is giving? What does it seek to accomplish among humankind?

It is the lesson of giving as taught in the story of the 'Giving Tree' that we all have to learn. The habit of giving freely without expecting anything in return must be cultivated by all.

Giving brings relief if not directly to you then to someone around you. Note that giving is not only limited to the Christmas season. Count your blessings and share your blessings all the time!

Thank you for your warmth, commitment, and the inspiring work you do. I wish you all the best this holiday season, and love and peace in 2024 and beyond.

Yours truly,

Teacher Eyiah