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Opinions of Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Columnist: The True Statesman

Commentary: Rawlings Isn’t A Coward

Last week, there were reports in a section of the media, claiming that the Rawlingses have formed a new political party known as National Democratic Party (NDP).

The report did not only come as surprise to many teeming supporters of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), of which he is the founder and Ghanaians in general.

The reports came last Thursday, and in less than 24 hours, they were found to be one of the contemptuous news ever reported in the politics of Ghana. It was a blatant lie which any Ghanaian who ever associated with Rawlings very well will discount outright.

The former President’s spokesperson has clearly stated that the First President of the Forth Republic has not planned and made a decision to form a new party while the NDC is alive.

This is true indication that the opponents of the National Democratic Congress are at it again: seeking to create more confusion in the NDC for their gain, and this time the hoax about Rawlings forming a political party is what they think they can use to destabilize the party as the nation heads towards December 7 general elections.

Rawlings has never found it sensible to discard the NDC and to form another party. He will find it an act of cowardice and defeatist to do so.

Everybody in the position he finds himself now will not do that, but will look back and find a proper solution to whatever grievances he may have with his ruling party and government.

We _The True statesman_ know that, that is what he will just do, and the opponents of the NDC who are deceiving Ghanaians must know that this is the best they can do. The NDC has gone through the worse of such machinations.

In the past, Rawlings expressed reservations over the leadership style of President John Evans Atta Mills, but has never said it anywhere that he intended to form an opposing political party, as a result of his frustrations.

He knows how well he is protected under the umbrella party, and will not do anything to hurt his own legacy and the future of unborn generations.

That notwithstanding, it goes without a saying that his utterances and ceaseless criticisms of the Mills administration is a huge obstacle towards the successful march to victory come December 7, 2012 for the NDC.

It is also clear that Nana Konadu Agyeman-Rawlings, wife of the NDC founder, out of desperation and fear of losing grip of the party that she helped founded, is hiding behind the Rawlings enigma to attempt twisting arms.

We at _The True Statesman_ are very much aware of the pressure being brought on former President Rawlings to buy into the idea of leaving the NDC, and we want to make it clear to those behind that move that, it is a fruitless venture.

Leaving the formidable NDC and forming a new one is like Rawlings is running away from the 'hot kitchen' of the party he formed. Rawlings is certainly, not a coward, and will never do such a thing. He would prefer to stay in the party and fight to the end. This is what those who do not truly know Rawlings must understand about him and stop spreading false news.

There is no dispute over Rawlings’ monumental accomplishments, much of which is evidently clear in the massive development projects that his government undertook in many parts of the country, especially in the rural areas, which account for the high regard in which the beneficiaries continue to hold him.

Other tangible achievements of Rawlings are indelible and cannot be easily washed away by his detractors’ mischief or contempt for him. But any attempt to raise the Rawlings factor to the kind of level that Nana Konadu is trying to do, raises very serious questions, _The True Statesman_ cannot digest at this particular moment.

One person does not have it all. Again, one person does not possess everything. _The True Statesman_ is talking about big ideas, excellent leadership qualities, integrity and composure. You may have some of these qualities, but not all. Which is why bringing together people of different shades of live to undertake any venture is vital towards its success

And we want to make it clear that the NDC has come of age: the party is far, far bigger, better and brighter than one individual. The party has grown into a terrestrial stage where it can no longer allow just one individual to have ultimate voice over it. The NDC is a party with many knowledgeable people than one can think of.

That is why is it incumbent on all to remain calm and give peace a chance. The Rawlingses are better off under the protective umbrella of the NDC, and the least they can do is to help retain the NDC in power come December 2012.

Leaving the NDC and forming a new political party by the Rawlingses is certainly not the way to go, and they will never attempt it. The proponent of this idea must watch it because they are dragging the name of Rawlings in to the mud.

The True Statesman

[email protected]