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Opinions of Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Columnist: The Informer

Commentary: So Palmer Buckle, Osei-Bonsu, Join The

League Of “Obinims, ‘One Touchs’ & Anamohs?

It is the good Book which admonishes that not all who preach “My Lord, My Lord” will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, except those who keep the will of the Lord. How true’s the word of God.

Since the beginning of Ghana’s Action Year, not a week passes by, without a self-styled man of God, here or there, bringing ignominious palaver, sinning against the state laws upon themselves.

If it is not an Obinim, storming the studios of Hot FM with pinch bars to wreck havoc, then it is ‘Jesus One Touch’ being thrown into jail for the social sin of carnally rupturing an own minor daughter, in defilement spree of christo-spiritual realm and magnitude.

If it is not a so-called member of the Ghanaian clergy, committing all kinds of worldly adultery and fornication against his congregants and God, then it is the so-called pastor attempting to rape the wife of a police officer, here and there.

If it is not a so-called man of God duping unsuspecting members of the public, then it is a so-called man of God attempting to snatch people’s cars in Jesus name.

Day after day, these so-called men of God continue to bring the name of the Church and God into blasphemous disrepute.

Most recently, it was a certain “prophet” Anamoh, who, after getting high on weed, predicted that the world was going to end on 11/11/11.

Styling himself like the Reverend Jim Jones, who got his followers commit mass suicide by drinking cyanide in the infamous Guyana Tragedy, this Anamoh creep, almost succeeded in getting gullible Ghanaians clone the Guyana Tragedy.
Why the security agencies are still allowing this psycho called Anamoah to be walking around, free, beats the logic of proper thinking.

Now, it is no less a body than the Catholic Bishops Conference, that has decided to join the association of “one man churches”, which are working hard to destroy the image of the Church.

After its recent gathering, the Catholic Bishops Conference issued a communiqué; a communiqué which has heaped so much public opprobrium on the otherwise venerable Catholic Bishops.
In the said communiqué, the Bishops touched on issues that they know nothing about.
Ever since the Bishops put out their communiqué, they have not ceased to amaze Ghanaians with their shallow level of understanding of the issues that have hit the nation’s headlines.
The Bishops had asked for the reversal of the computerised placement of Ghana’s Senior High School (SHS) students; the reversal of the 3 year SHS system to a 4-year system; as well as ordering the Electoral Commission to put in place the phantom “verification” system that Akufo-Addo and his NPP have been touting, as it continues to be obvious that defeat is staring Nana Addo and NPP in the face.
Ironically, the Bishops Palmer-Buckle and Osei-Bonsu are the Catholic Bishops who have been disgracing themselves and the Catholic Church, all over the airwaves.
In their haste to do PR for the NPP, Palmer Buckle and Osei-Bonsu have instituted themselves into the propaganda unit of the NPP, and have been busy trying to hoodwink the electorate to believe that minus the so-called “verification” system, Ghanaians should not accept to partake in the 2012 elections.
Without speaking to the EC, Osei-Bonsu and Palmer Buckle have turned themselves into election experts (knowing practically nothing about how elections are conducted).
Calling the bluff of the Bishops, thick-skinned Dr. Kwadwo Afari-Djan, Ghana’s Electoral Commissioner had spoken to the issue, exposing the Bishops as a bunch of ignoramuses who are stark election-illiterates who are busy trying to do Akufo-Addo’s propaganda for him.
On the issue of reversing the 3-year SHS to 4 years, the Bishops have also been slapped in the face as they are not enjoying any support from the public.
All over the airwaves, Ghanaians are not ready to toy with their educational system.
Indeed, we salute the Education Minister, Betty Mould Iddrisu, for her stoic stance on the matter, when she stated categorically that there is NO WAY, Government will go back to the 4-year system.
Bravo!!! Auntie Betty.
Also on the issue of going back to the manual placement system because the computerised system is facing challenges, the Bishops again goofed, big time!
In this era of technology, does it make sense for the Bishops to be asking us to replace a computerised system with a manual system; in education system and in a competitive world, where time waits for no man?
The same Bishops who are calling for a computerised system are the same people calling for us to abolish a computerised placement system. Gee!!!
So; years down the line, when the verification system is giving us problems, will the Bishops ask us to abolish that system too?
What kind of nonsensical logic is this?
Are these Bishops really conscious of the extent to which they are disgracing themselves and the Church?
It is not a secret that Palmer Buckle and Osei-Bonsu are lovers of the NPP, though; but should they ‘shit-bomb’ themselves by pouring so much scorn on the bishopric and the Church in their desperate bid to do the bidding of Nana Addo and the NPP?
Indeed, The Informer has tried to hold back its disdain for the Bishops because under normal circumstances, we should be letting our dogs loose and pouring heavy invectives on these disgraceful charlatans, hypocrites and parasites, who are walking around in cassocks; pretending to be agents of God, and ripping our ears with the singing of hallelujah!
Charles Palmer-Buckle and Osei-Bonsu; a big Shaaaaaaame on you: You are disgrace to your cassocks and you will most certainly follow your master Akufo-Addo into the dustbin of disgrace and scorn.
The light of President Atta Mills will continue to shine so bright that, it would burn the eyes of Palmer Buckle, Osei-Bonsu, and their charlatanic assigns!!!