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Opinions of Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Columnist: Nii Amasa Armah

Competence of a professional woman

ACP Maame Yaa Tiwaa Addo-Danquah ACP Maame Yaa Tiwaa Addo-Danquah

It is always said that people who achieve their goals do so with passion, persistence, tenacity and purpose. These qualities are what have made ACP Maame Yaa Tiwaa Addo-Danquah, a force to reckon with in policing.

These are indeed words that can be used to describe ACP, the police officer staged in the centre of a leaked audio recording released by A-Plus, an 'unsettled' young man well noted for peddling falsehood on top-notch personalities in Ghana, especially political figures.

ACP Tiwa Addo-Danquah, currently the first female Commandant of the Ghana Police Command and Staff College (GPCSC) in Winneba ever since she joined the Ghana Police Service in July 27, 1990 has demonstrated high standard professionalism in the discharge of her duties and she is seen by many including her colleagues as a role model and a stalwart in the Ghana Police Service.

ACP YaaTiwaa, as she is affectionately called, has always strived to be the first or among the best in whatever she does even among her male counterparts.

She has risen through the ranks faster than most of her squad mates by dint of hard work and her desire to achieve higher academic laurels.

ACP Maame Yaa Tiwa Addo-Danquah is a qualified Chartered Accountant who has practised both in Ghana and the United Kingdom. She has also gotten a stint with the Controller and Accountant General's Department.

A person with credibility issues cannot in anyway rise through the ranks of the Ghana Police Service to become a Commandant and Assistant Commissioner of Police not to talk of heading key departments within the Ghana Police Service.

It takes people with unblemished integrity to chalk these remarkable promotions. A search through the records of the Ghana Police Service revealed that most of her squad mates, are currently Inspectors while she is an Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP), six steps up on the police ranking structure.

One may ask how she was able to leap to that level, especially in a historically male-oriented paramilitary organization like the Police Service, but, hard work and due diligence has been the hallmark of ACP Maame Yaa Tiwaa Addo-Danquah.

Just like any other profession, the security agencies have their own ways of gathering intelligence and conducting investigations. There is no point in recording a senior security officer who is performing her duty as she ought to.

Interestingly, ACP Tiwa Addo-Danquah was not an accomplice to the malicious lies peddled by A-Plus upon which an investigation was been conducted. What then was the basis for recording knowing very well that the person been recorded had no dealings with the substantive issue at stake? It appears some group of persons just want to drag the hard won reputation of the hardworking ACP to the mud for reasons best known to them.

At a time that we as people and society is clamoring, encouraging and empowering women to take active part in Ghana's developmental agenda, there is no other option than to encourage and motivate women who are sacrificing and dedicating their lives to see Ghana succeed.

There is no point in running them down. We as people must learn how to bless them rather than to curse and hurt with our words. We should therefore not be quick to judge people based on hearsays but we must be guided by their exploits to societal and national development.

ACP Maame Yaa Tiwa Addo-Danquah’s remarkable achievements and stupendous work rate over the years is a proof of her competence, worth and what she is made of. If there is anyone we must praise and encourage, then it is ACP Maame Yaa Tiwa Addo-Danquah and many other security personnel who have been wrongly accused and bastardized for no wrongdoing especially in the course of discharging their duties.

We must not dignify and allow people like A-Plus to run down the hard-won reputation of astute and accomplished personalities. Credence should not be given to nation wreckers since their operations and activities have negative impacts on national development.