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Opinions of Sunday, 8 September 2013

Columnist: Ali, Salifu

Confused & Frustrated Nana Konadu On Stolen Verdict

By Salifu Ali

Former First Lady, Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings, was the first to release the bombshell about Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo in the heat of the 2008 electioneering campaign. She told the whole world that Nana Akufo-Addo, then the flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) is not a qualified lawyer.

Nana Konadu was addressing the Greater Accra wing of the Tertiary Education Institutions Network of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in Accra in July 2008, when she boldly stated that Nana Akufo-Addo was not a lawyer after all, contrary to what he had stated on his curriculum vitae.

The Former First Lady stressed that, “Nana Addo has for too long been lying about his own capacity and capabilities. We cannot sit down for them to peddle these lies around.”

“Now we have somebody, who is coming and is also saying he is a lawyer, trained in France; it’s all a lie. He did not go to any law school. He has been practicing in Ghana as a lawyer but he never went to law school,” Nana Konadu said.

Nana Konadu then went on to say that Nana Akufo-Addo had only been working with the France-based legal firm as an economist and nothing more than that.

She then dared Akufo-Addo to produce his law certificate to discredit her allegation. In case Nana Konadu has forgotten what she said about Nana Akufo-Addo, she should go back and check her notes.

So much water has passed with Nana Konadu leaving the NDC and forming her own party, National Democratic Party (NDP), which was disqualified from contesting the 2012 Elections following mistakes on the electoral filing forms. Nana Konadu who has been licking her wounds has always been looking for ways to poke her hands into the eyes of the NDC, her former party. Nana Konadu got one, but chose the wrong avenue, words and occasion to do it. Following the verdict by the Supreme Court on the 2012 Election Petition case, which authenticated the election of President John Mahama to the high office, Nana Konadu who was looking for her one cent fame jumped to the Kanda residence of the vanquished, Nana Akufo-Addo to congratulate him for accepting the verdict.

And to make matters worse, Nana Konadu patted the back of Akufo-Addo for not rejecting the verdict and resorting to a “Stolen Verdict” book. I am very happy that what Nana Konadu said on that day did not happen at back of JJ Rawlings. It is gratifying that JJ Rawlings is a living witness to what the wife said.

Whenever the “Stolen Verdict” is mentioned, everybody knows that it was a book that was authored by Nana Akufo-Addo and another NPP person to taint the victory won by former President Rawlings in the 1992 polls. The NPP sought to give the impression that Rawlings did not win the election but rather stole it from the late Professor Adu Boahen.

Therefore, if confused Nana Konadu went to Akufo-Addo’s gallery and thought she was playing with words, she should know that she rather gave legs to the bogus allegation by the NPP that the 1992 Elections which was won by her husband was indeed tainted.

It is good that JJ Rawlings is alive to witness the machinations of his wife. JJ Rawlings should shine his eyes on his wife and know what she is up to. Perhaps we may not have to blame Konadu so much because JJ Rawlings was the first to set the pace by inviting Nana Akufo-Addo to his house during the heat of the 2012 Elections.

Therefore, what Nana Konadu, a frustrated politician looking for some legs to revive her expired political career did during her visit to Nana Akufo-Addo was just the icing on the cake.

Did you miss the part where Nana Konadu who now believes Akufo-Addo is a full-fledged lawyer asked the latter to educate her and Ghanaians on the verdict delivered by the SC on the petition case? Wonders, they say shall never end. And the NDC faithful who trooped to court to lend their support during the hounding of Nana Konadu by Akufo-Addo, then Attorney Genera under Kufuor’s regime did toil in vain. Nana Konadu is telling them today that, “To Hell With You”.

I have come to realize that Nana Konadu never appreciates anything from others. It’s all about her! In Konadu’s world nothing matters apart from her. This is the greatest betrayal from the wife of the founder of the NDC. Nana Konadu’s shame now has no bounds. What normal human beings do is definitely abnormal to Nana Konadu.

Nana Konadu’s behaviour should not surprise anybody because if this woman can feud with her own family members including her little sister who is wheel-chaired, then don’t be surprised about the extent to which Nana Konadu can go.

I am not a doomster, but Nana Konadu should pray that, just pray hard that…………… otherwise, she would be the most miserable wretch ever to walk on the face of Ghana.

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