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Opinions of Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Columnist: Afriyie, Bright Siaw

Congrats Nana Akufo-Addo And Re-Potential For Instability In Ghana

First of all let me seize this opportunity to congratulate Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo-Addo for coming out as the NPP’s flagbearer. As I mentioned in my previous article of December 22, Ghanaian have reached such a democratic maturity that these delegates would come out with political sanctity for claiming the most rightful choice of candidate. More so even that the right choice is needed to mitigate the marketability of this candidate vis-à-vis the NDC flag-bearer. The NPP poised of maintaining power will in no doubt utilize this opportunity into no nonentity. In view of the crucial role he had played over the years in the NPP 's development and the nation in general, Nana Akufo-Addo is the one the nation needs right now. I will commend the delegates for their matured and fair-minded manner in which they voted for the rightful presidential candidate. At the same token my congratulations go Mr. Alan Kyerementeng for taking such a mature decision in conceding defeat in the very crucial moment the party needed it. All these demonstrate how far we have grown in this democratic era. It’s my best hope that Nana Akufo-Addo take full advantage of this opportunity and work hard to justify the confidence reposed in him.

Now in response to Potential For Instability In Ghana as commented by Boakye Djan, I personally find it deeply saddened if in 2007 he is still seeking a way to justify a revolution in Ghana. I quote “Ghana’s political party democracy is irrational and needs a revolution of ideas to address the potential for instability that it could create for the country, the Head of Government of the erstwhile Armed Forces Revolutionary Council (AFRC).” End quote. In the first place, what kind of achievement did AFRC bring to Ghana, let alone, talking about its ideologies. This seemingly an antagonistic idea which had set the country back for two decades, and in this democratic dispensation no Ghanaian would support that idea. Said “money persuasion” that had become a part of the Ghanaian political system was deeply offensive and dangerous for the future of democracy in the country. How would you compare these two acts; seizing political power at a gun-point and seizing political office by acting in a persuasive manner. While Mr. Alan Kyeremateng’s team was alleged to have been involved in distributing cash in exchange for votes, and this matter is due for investigation, Nana Akufo-Addo came out as the candidate elect and was given the nod for NPP flagbearership. There are three points to learn here:

1. Mr. Alan Kyeremanteng did not use force in any attempt to seize power. 2. Mr. Alan Kyerementeng willfully conceded defeat in the face of democracy. 3.The delegates within their own free will and endowed with democratic maturity selected the rightful candidate.

With that said, I am not supporting the view that money persuasion for votes is right, but it is better than coup d’état where citizens have no choice but to suffer tyrannical governance. In United Kingdom, the longest known multi-party democracy in the world, formal and rational systems of political negotiations based on rational decisions and choices from formal issues and policies offered by competing politicians within or outside political parties were in place, which allowed for informed choices by voters. Could you justify that there were nothing underneath the tables during the political campaigns? As a matter of fact the Ghanaian voters acted in similar manner by not choosing Mr. Alan Kyeremanteng, and that symbolizes the power of freewill over the influence of money.

In the case of Kenya, suspicions over rigging were fueled by the fact that the opposition took most of the parliamentary seats in Thursday's vote, but Kibaki still won the election. The opposition were bartered down with gun-shots in the process of demonstration. This is not the same as the issue in with NPP neither it is anticipated in the forth-coming elections 2008.

We have to realize where the Ghana’s economic and social situation were before the administration of His Excellency President J. A. Kufour. NPP had worked long way to capture power today. You all have witnessed the vision NPP government has, steering the economy through rough waters, and eventually got Ghana where it is today. At least one can boast of freedom of speech, the rule of law, streaming of investments, and a good and stable currency, and international recognition. All these works did not come by overnight. Though NDC in the latter days also attracted some international recognition, it did not realize most of the dreams of NPP.

I think, at this crucial time Nana Akufo-Addo is the most rightful choice as NPP flagbearer to spearhead the affairs of both the Party and the Nation in general. Now the power is invested into a visionary leader who will continue these great achievements, a strenuous effort which had been put in place by all NPP members over the years. I wish you all a Happy New Year and Long Live Ghana.

Nana Taaka II (Bright Siaw Afriyie, IT Professional, Texas)

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