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Opinions of Saturday, 11 August 2007

Columnist: Osei-Bonsu, Prince

Congratulations Nana Obiri Boahen

To the newly appointed Minister of Interior, Nana Obiri Boahen, the message is congratulations. We thank the Lord Almighty for ensuring your successful appointment to head the Interior Ministry and we believe that Ghana has in you a very capable, singularly qualified Minister of State. May God who is the source of all goodness grant you the wisdom, courage, and guidance to serve the people of Ghana well.

It is of paramount importance that the flow of sensitive information that is crucial to the timely execution of your duty remains uncompromised. To this end let your “nose”, “eyes” and “ears” be on the ground Nana.

The interest of Ghana is supreme to everything else and the peace that we enjoy in the country now has to be sustained and improved upon; therefore your absolute commitment, hard work, dedication and willingness to die for mother Ghana should become clear to all. Nana, you will be the first to admit that your ministry has one of the most daunting challenges in the country today: the so called “contract killings”, the drug menace, and widespread availability of illegal weapons among others, are all issues crying out for immediate solutions. The fact that you expressed worry about the growing trend of individuals acquiring weapons to arm themselves against armed robbers when you appeared before the Appointment Committee of Parliament, suggests that you do not take our security lightly. Yes, these are among our topmost security concerns and I make a personal plea that you spare no effort at all to liaise with the security apparatus and all stake holders to make this phenomenon a thing of the past.

As someone I have worked with and known personally for more that twenty (20) years, I have had the rare opportunity to know you through and through. I have nothing but the deepest respect and admiration for you and the principles for which you stand Nana.

Please remember at all times that we are all praying for you and are solidly behind you. Your service to mother Ghana will ensure that this nation which we love dearly, will continue to grow from one level of greatness to a higher one. “Asuo”, prove all the critics wrong and may the good Lord continually be with you.

PRINCE OSEI-BONSU, P.R.O of N.P.P- U.S.A and Chairman of Friends of Nana Obiri Boahen.

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