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Opinions of Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Congratulations to Professor Frimpong Boateng

Congratulations to Professor Frimpong Boateng on his Appointment as the Minister for Science and Technology

Before going on to congratulate Professor Kwabena Frimpong Boateng on his appointment
to head the Ministry of Science and Technology, let me first express my heartfelt
appreciation to His Excellency President Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo-Addo, a very
reminiscent of biblical Joseph, Moses or David, for selecting him to head that
particular ministry in the first place. What a thoughtful and farsighted decision
taken by our renowned incorruptible, intelligent and wise President, Nana Addo
Dankwah Akufo-Addo, a septuagenarian whose age is exceptionally an indication of

Going back to Professor Kwabena Frimpong Boateng, I say, congratulations to you on
your selection to head a ministry that calls for the best out of you. Like many other
Ghanaians, I am personally very much aware of how passionately you are about seeing
Ghana go industrialized rather than being a raw-materials- producing nation for all
these years since obtaining political independence from the British Colonialists.

Your appointment to head the ministry in the NPP-led government under His Excellency
President Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo-Addo, will give Ghanaians the opportunity to
realise the fullest benefits to accrue from their compatriot Professor Frimpong
Boateng, always an accomplished African heart Surgeon of Ghanaian origin.

You lead by example, for that I know and can vouch for it. Taking myself on a trip
down the memory lane, I remember clearly well meeting Professor Frimpong Boateng at
the late Mr B. A. Mensah’s house in Kumawu in November 2007. On that day, I was in
a hurry to go to Accra as I was flying out of Ghana the next day in the evening. Just
as I was leaving my house to catch a passenger bus to Kumasi and then to Accra, I was
invited over to attend a meeting with Professor Frimpong Boateng and his campaign
entourage by Hon. Philip Basoah, a younger half-brother of the late Mr B. A. Mensah.

As the meeting was delayed by the tardy arrival of the then Kumawu NPP Chairman, Mr
Adusei, who had gone to Kumasi or Effiduase to attend hospital, Professor Frimpong
Boateng had the courtesy to come out of the hall to the balcony, introduced himself,
and held about thirty minutes chat with me. He did this in the knowledge that I was
in a rush to leave Kumawu for Accra.

While still chatting, with both of us discussing various subjects as came across, Mr
Adusei finally arrived. Even though I was itching to catch a bus to Kumasi in order
not to arrive at Accra very late in the evening, I decided against leaving without
sitting through the meeting. I spent about a further one and a half hours sitting in
the meeting which was about Professor Frimpong Boateng come to Kumawu Constituency
not only to introduce himself as a contestant for the flag bearer slot of the NPP but
also, to solicit their votes.

After listening convincingly to him, watching his recorded video on what he intends
achieving for Ghana when given the nod, and how he has been practising them at home
and within his family, I could see how real his passion for Ghana developing through
industrialisation was. I did not hesitate to recommend him to those in the meeting
with a declaration of supportive statement. I said, “This is the type of person
that Ghana needs but not those who would come to tell stories”

Barely had I made the statement when Mr Adusei, unknown to him that I was a fellow
Kumawu subject, stood on his feet and said, “Professor, if this gentleman is a
member of your entourage, I shall recommend to you not to allow him to accompany you
anymore to anywhere on your campaign tour. This is because the type of statement he
has just made will cost you votes. It is not good for him to be making such sweeping

Professor Frimpong Boateng said, no, I wasn’t and that it was his first day or time
of meeting me. To avoid any further altercation, I stood up, apologised and withdrew
that alleged thoughtless statement I had made.

Professor, do you recall what you said following my rendered apology or I should
remind you about it since it is over nine years ago? You said and I quote, “If I
were a President, both of you are the type of people I would prefer to work with. One
makes a statement; the other is not happy about it and does not hide his feelings but
makes his views about it instantly known. The offending party quickly accepts his
mistake and apologises to avoid any further escalation of the situation” Yes, you
are the type of people I would love to work with because of your frankness, readiness
to acknowledge your mistakes and act in appropriate manner for peace to reign”

Anyway, you have now been given the governmental portfolio where all your noble
scientific knowledge and applications leading to the industrial revolution of Ghana
can be achieved. As your good and proven intentions are for mother Ghana, so are the
President’s. Therefore, I wish you the best and I have absolute faith in you to be
a great asset not only to His Excellency President Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo-Addo’s
government but also, to the entire nation and all the citizens of Ghana.

It is my fervent hope that many a Ghanaian emulates your exemplary life.

Rockson Adofo

(Written on Monday, 13 February 2017)