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Opinions of Tuesday, 19 July 2022

Columnist: Kwaku Bimpeh

Congratulations to all newly elected NPP executives, we have work to do

Justin Frimpong Kodua, General Secretary of the New Patriotic Party Justin Frimpong Kodua, General Secretary of the New Patriotic Party

A big congratulations to all newly elected executives, first on my own behalf, and second on behalf of the good members of the NPP UK. Having recently gone through an election myself as part of the NPP UK elections, I wholeheartedly empathize with the different emotional states experienced by all our aspirants before, during and after the elections.

The first task of the elected executives (not that they don’t know but I just want to echo it), is to foster unity among those who lost, and among the whole NPP fraternity not forgetting those of us in the external Branches, but let me not bore you as if you haven’t already started. I was ecstatic to listen to JFK, our newly elected General Secretary’s speech during one of the after parties, a fresh voice and a source of encouragement for many across the length and breadth of our great NPP tradition.

More so his objective caution for executives is to desist from campaigning for flag bearer aspirants. It is apparent that the Party was yearning for new energy, brand and paradigm. Well, now we have it.

If there is an inspiring story from the just-needed elections, for me it has to be the story of our newly elected Chairman Stephen Ntim, who after several attempts finally secures a win to become the leader of this great Party.

Consistency, hard work and resilience are embodied throughout his journey to achieve what he has perhaps dreamt many times of becoming, the NPP Party Chairman. Congratulations once again Chairman Ntim. You have inspired us all, and yes dreams do come true, through resilience, perseverance and hard work.

Of course, if the election of Stephen Ntim, JFK, Nana B and Salam Mustapha, in particular, leads to the remobilization and refocus of our most valuable proletarian grassroots members, then the party will be well placed to secure a win come 2024. That is not to say there are no challenges, of course not.

We have been be-devilled by the impacts of huge global events of which I dare not mention, as the mere sounds of these events appear to trigger serious negative emotional sentiments, propagated especially by the opposition NDC members, and their leaders. One would have expected that such events and its impact on global economies are understood by many including those for whom education has given them so much.

Yet they hide under the pretense of ignorance, political expediency and personal interests to argue the opposite, including Ghanaians from all walks of life in particular from the political arena and the media.

The example of countries like Togo and the Ivory Coast compared to Ghana are hugely statistically flawed. They are flawed in the sense that those two countries never made such huge commitments to their people as we did in Ghana, through the government’s fantastic flagship programmes most of which have been successful since their implementation and are serving the good people of Ghana.

It will be disingenuous for any Ghanaian to suggest either those flagship programmes were not needed, or asked for? Same as it will be disingenuous for public sector workers employed by the government who had access to their wages and benefits throughout the Covid 19 period to counter-argue. We are all in this together.

The return IMF has ignited jupitarious conversations not only in Ghana but across the globe. In the UK, social media is consistently bombarded by what the government has to do moving forward. Those with a slight dislike for the government has taken the opportunity to share their views and how they feel, perhaps rightly so.

Among some of the views expressed are re-shuffling the government, cutting down on government expenditure, stopping using V8s and go for smaller cars, re-think some positions such as deputy regional ministers, deputy CEOs, deputy MMDCEs, reducing the size of the public sector, cut down public sector wages, review personnel at the finance ministry and Jubilee house make efficiency saving across government agencies by cutting down dept. allocations, etc etc. Oh boy! Clearly, we have a lot of work to do and lots of decisions to make.

I would like to end by urging our valued government and the NPP Party, to resource our communicators and invest more in our communications. It is disheartening to hear we have done so much yet we have communicated so little.
NPP UK stands tall and is ready to help in any way we can.