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Opinions of Saturday, 13 March 2021

Columnist: Antwi Moses

Congratulations to my regional minister hon. George Boakye - political tactician

Hon. George Boakye, 2nd Regional Minister of Ahafo Hon. George Boakye, 2nd Regional Minister of Ahafo

Dear Regional Minister,

My wildest congratulations on your inauguration as the 2nd Regional Minister of Ahafo. Having known you for more years, I believe you are one of the most experienced and qualified individuals to serve as the Regional Commander in Chief.

You’ve been assigned to serve as a Regional Minister in an era best described as ’’不是平时“, in English ”no ordinary time”. Some are hoping that you fail while others are also praying that you succeed.

Hon. Minister, please kindly note that no one within or outside better understands the whirlwind of the critical problems in our new region that you will be inheriting. And also no one knows better in the future how quickly you can fail if you are unable to build a smart business-minded circle that will work with you to manage the region.

As a new region, we cannot withstand another four more years of partisan favouritism, cronyism, gridlock, unemployment, and dysfunction.

In government, It's either we govern by leadership or by the crisis. According to this principle, If leadership is willing to take the risks necessary to build peace, we can avoid or certainly contain the crisis. But if leadership skill is not there, we will certainly be overseen by the crisis. Hon. Minister, note, there is a price to be paid for relying on the crisis – the loss of trust of the youth in our system of governing.

As a former DCE/MP and now as Regional Minister, I guess you know what it takes to work together to get things done in the first three (3) months of your new administration. It is about building good relationships with the youth, community engagement, investor connections, a road map for jobs, etc.

But I seek to advise that you do not allow the joy of this new position to overcome your determination to transform our new region as you promised.

See Ahafoman, not parties. While I don’t claim to be only an expert in the region, but I know this: Ahafoman want a leader that serves them, not any elite or group. As an astute political tactician and a researcher, I’ve learned that people look to their elected leaders for logical solutions, not prejudiced ones. They expect results, not political treatises. Focus on getting things done, not getting things “right.” Look beyond tags and look at the character.

As an experienced politician, what I expect from you is that, look to the future, not to the past. A new generation of elected officials is emerging who can overstep past divisions and personal invective while delivering principled and smart solutions. The nature of our new region challenges quite simply exceeds the solutions of one single person or one single party. We need each other to survive and to succeed. And we also need to include our people who live abroad and locally in our decision-making. In Asunafo and Asutifi South District, for example, we need to invest in our police and their training, not defund them or defund our criminal justice system.

Hon. Minister, let's face this fact. You don’t motivate people with “Let’s knock ourselves out again to make another stretch quarter.” As rallying cries go, this isn’t exactly, “Once more unto the breach”. To inspire people to follow you, to commit themselves to your endeavour, to make needed sacrifices, you have to offer an inspiring mission. It doesn’t need to be dramatic, but it does need to be meaningful. I think restoring sound, strategic decision making that looks beyond tomorrow’s ahafo testimony will take us a long way toward a mission of which we can all be proud.

I will urge you to pursue peaceful development at these crucial times since Ahafo’s fundamental interest is a strategic choice made by the people of Ahafo and supported by the NPP administration under the leadership of Nana Addo. This is the time to enhance our strategic thinking, confidence and better balance the interest of the people of Ahafo to be specific and Ghana in general. Per your track record and experience, your appointment came as no surprise to most of us who have an interest of Ahafo at heart.

I believe with your experience and maturity you can pursue an all-inclusive and mutually beneficial leadership approach by securing a peaceful environment in parts of Ahafo which are always in the news as a hotspot in every general election. This will ensure the people of Ahafo share the benefit of NPP administration in a peaceful environment. I strongly believe what the people of Ahafo want is peace and development has been one of the neglected places in the country since independence.

I hope under your leadership the people of Ahafo will enjoy the peace and see the development that has eluded them for decades. I know you have great personal relationships with the people of Ahafo. I hope that you listen to them, learn from them, and look for solutions that are not simply bipartisan but nonpartisan.

I wish you all the best as you have started your first-ever service as Regional Minister to Ahafo, Country and God.

Thank you.

God bless Ghana

God bless Ahafo

God bless Nana Addo Danquah Akufo Addo.

God bless us all.