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Opinions of Saturday, 21 December 2013

Columnist: Ali, Justice

Consultation or advise to Hon. Alijata Sulemani MP

Consultation or advise to Hon. Alijata Sulemani MP for sissala east constituency free of charge.

My Brothers and Sisters, Fellow District men and women, Colleague Democrats and distinguished Honourable Members of the podium, we are highly indebted for your presence here. Before proceeding, we would like to acknowledge your presence once again. We are extremely grateful and may the Almighty Allah give us the ability, tenacity and good spirit to enable us hold our political leaders accountable. Kulfuo kuoro Tortimmah Ali once said ‘‘In this world, as one live it is good to aspire to inspire others before you expire".

The reason for your invitation is as follows. We will be extremely naked if we keep mute at the look of Honourable Alijata's current appalling performance. In fact, the abysmal performance of Alijata (the MP for Sissala East Constituency) is driving us up the wall and it is time we raised the roof. Young Democrats and Fellow District men and women, let's raise the cane or be bold to pull down all the stops so that our district see development. Let's us strike! Let's join hands and put pressure on her to deliver during the remaining three years due her. Thereafter, if she then ends in smoke or fails to deliver, we'll humbly kick her out in 2016 general elections. This approach is much better than waiting for electioneering year to show her the exit.

To start with, the Honourable MP just as the other lawmakers accrues monies not only from her fat salary but also from other allowances including common fund to better the lives of only her family members without doing any work. Can we go for them? It suggests to us that we are creating lucrative business avenues for our politicians to better their lives and those of their families rather than working to better the lives of the entire electorate. What a pity! My Brothers and Sisters, Fellow District men and women, Colleague Democrats and distinguished honourable members of the podium, in fact, in a cold blood we Young Democrats ask without any malice ‘Can any body volunteer to tabulate the achievements of Alijata during the entire first year of her MPship?’ Thus, is our district catching on with others? The answer to the second question, backed by plentiful evidence, is a big NO! Alijata’s activities are open and above board for all of us to know and even for the blind to see that she is never ready to move our district forward.

Young Democrats (agents for development) posted a write-up demanding the achievements of Alijata in her first year which has just come to an end. Over a week now, nobody responded to the group in that regard or simply put ‘some people turned a deaf ear to this crucial request’. What pissed us off is that the Honourable MP has brothers and relatives who attack the character of our communication director, Justice Ali, with all sorts of name calling and untruth about his personality. Ironically, these gullible critics and bootlickers often failed dolefully to provide us with any information in that regard. What a political red herring! Are they now ashamed of themselves or they are capital hypocrites who only have vested interested in Alijata enriching herself with our poor taxpayer monies to the detriment of the absolute majority who want development? When a political leader becomes a donkey, blame the people. You and I know the lackadaisical attitude of a donkey towards work. Unless pressure is put on it, it will never work as expected. So is Honourable Alijata! So, together, let’s pressurize her to work!

Honourable Alijata must recognize that vindictiveness in politics is never an option let alone being the best one. Thus, the Honourable MP should stop her immature and childish behaviour as well as her divisive tactics. A typical conflict-ridden and politically immature behaviour is her hand picking polling station executives, instead of the party conducting open and transparent elections to have qualified people elected to handle this important grass-root position in the party. Also, had it not been her aggressive- and egocentric-lobbying approach to impose an incompetent person on us as the district chief executive, we would have got a capable and development-oriented person as our DCE now. We plead with her to kindly stop this self-centred behaviour and let’s have someone as our DCE who can strategize to deal with the challenges of our district. In consequence, we the Young Democrats call on you Fellow District men and women once again to let us hold water, up and doing in lieu of lame excuses and hold her accountable but fight shy or "stay clear of" of abusive words in our critique. We are too humble to cry but it hurts us most to laugh. Alijata must work now.

My brothers and sisters, fellow district men and women, colleague young democrats and distinguished honourable members, we would like to conclude by drawing the attention of Honourable Alijata Sulemani about the concerns raised by several communities notably Kulfuo and others which names we cannot quickly mention. These communities are sincerely in need of day care centres. She should kindly provide them with such amenities within next year or at a reasonable time. We will also use this opportunity to wish Alijata Sulemani, Constituency executives, Ward Executives and all patriotic Sissalas a happy Christmas and a more productive New Year in advance.

Written by: Mr. Prince Justice Ali; Director of Communications of Young Democrats Cell: 0204803328