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Opinions of Friday, 6 August 2021

Columnist: Ahanta Apemenyimheneba Kwofie III

Cop/Mrs. Maame Yaa Tiwaa Addo-Danquah - Go and shine like never before

COP/Mrs. Maame Yaa Tiwaa COP/Mrs. Maame Yaa Tiwaa

Congratulations to the mother of all police officers, COP/Mrs. Maame Yaa Tiwaa Addo-Danquah on your appointment to a new schedule in the Ghana Police Service. Wherever you find yourself is still Ghana Police Service and some of us have always had the confidence you are capable of turning deserts into forests.

PPSB is another directorate that we have never averred our minds to when it comes to what it can do to turn the fortunes of the Ghana Police Service. It has for many years turned into a witch-hunting web intentionally created to frustrate police officers and so over the years, police officers have ill motives about that directorate and hate everything about it but I am very sure at this time, personnel at PPSB have taken to the streets jubilating because of you. You can do so much at PPSB beyond the wildest imagination of us all so it is another golden opportunity to bring out your best and touch more lives than probably before.

You were certainly going to leave the Welfare directorate whether you stayed longer or shorter. Actually, it is not how long or short that you stay in a schedule that matters but rather how you impact is what matters. If it is impact, then you are the type to who has the sceptre of Midas in hand and turns whatever you into gold. You are the golden fish that lightens the sea for all other fishes to find their way around. Even in the darkest pit of the ocean, you illuminate from afar to catch the attention of all the living creatures in the ocean.

Wherever you have walked in the Ghana Police Service, you have left indelible marks and visible footprints that are capable to be seen by even the blind. Your love and affection for police officers, especially those in need knows no bounds and boundaries. In these one or two years that you have steered the affairs as DG-WELFARE, you did a lot that the Napoleons could not do since the days of Captain Glover.

Your swift responses and personal attention that you give to Welfare matters of personnel cannot be quantified and measured in any mathematical terms. Your personal follow-ups to issues just to ensure that that the officer in need is well catered for is magnanimous. You will go all out to put a smile back on the face of the officer in need at your own cost.

In these time, I remember that young officer who was struggling with lung cancer that I directed to your office. That same day he called and told me that he knew he would die but at least because of you, he would live a bit longer than expected. You went all out to ensure that he lacked nothing and on his dying day, he called all his family members and asked them to thank you for him before he took his last breath. I cannot mention here the number of officers who are in crisis that I directed them to your office for you to make them smile. Today you may not be DG-Welfare any longer but your prints are there and for many years to come, police officers will use your standards to measure anybody who comes in as DG-Welfare and I think they have the right to do that.

In your brief stay as DG-Welfare, you revolutionarised, redefined and modified the concept of welfare in the Ghana Police Service. You tore down the old colonial concept of welfare and replaced it with a welfare system which is more progressive and one that caters for the need of every police officer and so going to PIPS at this time is another golden opportunity to turn many things around.

PPSB is the intersection point between police officers and civilians and I know for sure that you will bring smiles to both police officers and civilians who will come before you. Once again, go and shine like never before. You always make us proud and so you will make us proud one more time at PPSB.

Never stop sharing and always remember that the right time to exit the stage is when applauds are high and voices are thunderous