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Opinions of Tuesday, 31 March 2020


Coronavirus: 'Mr president, your shirt'

President Akufo-Addo President Akufo-Addo

Mr. President,


Just maybe…God used 2008 and 2012 electoral defeats to prepare and appoint you for this season. It’s not ordinary to have bold and wise leaders like you in times like this.

Most world leaders with the strongest weapons, allies and economies are confused and have already lost the fight against this virus. Yet, every time you speak, you are able to calm nerves and bring life to dead bones.

You have addressed the country four times and in each of them, your face has never lost faith and hope. You make your children (citizens) feel at home and at peace no matter where they maybe on this earth while you carry the pain.

Many may not have notice “Your Shirts” during your address. They communicate on how and what you really feel within.

From “ANISUO” (Tears) to “ANI BR3 A ENSO GYA”(Seriousness doesn’t spark Fire) then back to “ANISUO” (Tears).

You cry so your people can smile and laugh. You have shown leadership in the most difficult moment of our generation. Even in the land of another, we are encouraged by your words.

Mr. President, during the 1918 influenza pandemic which is considered the most severe pandemic in recent history. Philadelphia didn’t cancel a parade during a 1918 pandemic. The results were devastating. The virus spread to Philadelphia on September 19, 1918, through the Philadelphia Navy Yard, UPenn states. In a matter of days, 600 sailors had the virus. Yet Philadelphia didn’t cancel its Liberty Loan Parade, scheduled for just a little more than a week later. Meant to be a patriotic wartime effort, the parade went on as scheduled on September 28, bringing 200,000 Philadelphians together. By October 1, there were 635 new cases in Philadelphia, according to UPenn. Philadelphia was one of the hardest-hit US cities. More than 12,000 people died in six weeks, with about 47,000 reported cases, according to UPenn. By the six-month mark, about 16,000 had died and there were more than half a million cases.The parade isn’t all to blame, though. Other factors contributed to the flu’s spread, including high population and poor working and living conditions. Still, it’s an example of what not to do during a pandemic, according to CDC’s Division of Global Migration and Quarantine. (CNN)

You have taken the immediate action to saving our country with the St. Louis action (which saw the death toll in St. Louis not rise above 700, according to the CDC) during the 1918 pandemic unlike what happened in Philadelphia whose economic strength and people (very religious in their actions) have lots of similarities with our country Ghana today.

From your the mandatory quarantine of all arrivals (this has saved the country from a massive spread disaster reference to the confirmed cases) to the “social-distancing” order. Then the partial lock-down of some parts of the country to the Insurance packages for Health Workers; one can only applaud you with the limited resource our dear country has as compared to other high advanced worlds who seem to have lost the battle already. If some leaders across the globe had taken some of the steps you’ve taken, l believe they would have saved their countries by now.

Mr. President, Ghana will forever be grateful after the country and her people survive this challenging times.

We pray for more wisdom and God’s guidance for you and your team (especially the young man called Kojo Oppong-Nkrumah, Minister for Information – his words and posture calm nerves and gives hope) in your quest to save our country and people.

Forgive us your people. We are less informed and educated in many ways. For that reason, we act on our fears and instinct. Many people have already taken advantage of how gullible we are; from Men of “gods” to Fetish “preachers” and many others will continue to do same even in this deadly times. We were not born like this but we found ourselves like this after birth all because of “only God knows”. We pray we all survive this deadly virus where ever we are now and hope we do learn our lessons as a people.

Mr. President, kindly record your private painful moments with Maa Becky (First Lady, H.E. Rebecca Akufo Addo) during this period. Especially the moments you walk to her for solutions. The moments she holds your hands, gives a hug and places your head on her chest and whispers, “It is well. You can do it. We shall overcome”

Record these moments; the tears, the fears, the pain, the confusion, the anxiety, the empty stomach (at your age) etc. so you can refer to them when this deadly time is over.

Mr. President, these tapes will remind you of how we need to fix our country without excuses anymore. It will remind you of how we need to build our economy with speed. It will remind you of how we cannot continue to depend on foreign aids. It will remind you of how our country need better education systems. It will remind you of how our Health System and Healthcare need massive improvement. It will remind you of how we cannot continue to allow politics to destroy our country. It will remind you of a time our country was on her knees in the eyes of the world. It will remind you of the NEED FOR A NATIONAL AGENDA FOR DEVELOPMENT.

Mr. President, it will remind you of the need to BUILD OUR COUNTRY NOW.

You have done the best any great Leader with the limited resources available will do and like l said earlier, God appointed you for our Nation for this purpose (just maybe).

Sincerely, l don’t see any other great leadership from anyone like what you have shown and continue to show our country during this deadly times.

Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, God richly bless you Mr. President. Please fold this little note into the pockets of “your shirts”. Kindly give a copy to Maa Becky to keep for you (mothers are best at keeping important things) so when all this is over, you take another read and kick out anyone who will try to prevent you from building our dear country Ghana in the reminders l have mentioned above.

Apatram a ne nsa ka Nyame

Grandson of the leopard hunter

Awukudae ba

Addo Kwaata

If old age is this beautiful, help us touch it too Jireh!

Afehyia Pa Addo Preman

Onyankropon Nhyira wo

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