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Opinions of Thursday, 16 April 2020

Columnist: Yaw Tutu, Contributor

Coronavirus: The most powerful immune booster for all; Supreme Booster

Yaw Agyei Tutu Yaw Agyei Tutu

We are told that if the immune system is strong and the protocols are maintained, most diseases including coronavirus will be defeated.

The good news is that this booster called Supreme Booster is FREE and all humans can have access to it.

There are two people in the world. Those who know (knowledgeable people) and those who do not know.

This booster works automatically for those who know. This minuscule class is Spiritual people.

For those who do not know it can work for them if they get the information and believe in them.

Those who do not know think that humans are only matter. Such people cannot have this Supreme booster. They can have some kind of booster that is nowhere near the Supreme in terms of its power to boost the immune system. For such people, this booster is available from matter; good food, drugs and supplements. All these sources cannot be afforded by the poor.

The religious class who believe that there is God/Allah have read that there is the power from God/ Allah through which this Supreme booster can be sourced and it is free. All you need is faith in God/Allah to get this Supreme booster.

If you are a religious person but you do not believe in this you will not have this Supreme booster. I know that this is true because l have it.

For those who want further proof l will refer them to the only church l know in Ghana whose members have never gone to hospital since birth and illnesses that afflict them and are shaken off by this Supreme booster is a marvel.

Access this booster today.