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Opinions of Saturday, 23 April 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Could Mahama & Asantehene be behind this threat to my Life?

I hope they are not. Wonders will never cease, so they say. We hear and see new things unfolding; some shocking, and others not, every passing day.

The dynamics of Ghana politics are turning dirtier every passing minute due to the simple fact that a clueless, incompetent, corrupt and a failed President with his supporters does not want to relinquish power any time soon but to hang on for a second term by all devious means possible.

Additionally, a purported Overlord of Asanteman who believes that he has the right to do whatever he likes; the right to obtain whatever he wants either dubiously or genuinely, can have his supporters resort to lawlessness in his quest to achieve his objectives be whatever they are.

There are others (Dr Yaw Sarfo and Kumawuhemaa) as dangerous as their principal leaders mentioned above who are on record to have recently arranged macho men from Accra with intent to spoil Kumawuhene Barima Tweneboa Kodua V’s sister’s funeral held at Kumawu-Bodomasi on 2nd April 2016.

Find below exactly what happened in the wee hours of Thursday, 21st April 2016. At exactly 03:30 hours, somebody, surely a Ghanaian pretender claiming to be a Jamaican, speaking in Jamaican patois, phoned several times to my one time family friends’ home asking for me.

When this nuisance caller’s phone number was passed to me where I was, I phoned him up. When I identified myself, he rumbled on in Jamaican patois saying, “I know where you are and we are coming to get you…” He talked rubbish for about three minutes and then cut off.

He phoned from a “disposable” Lycamobile “Sim card” phone number (0044) 07459022242. The person was trying to be clever, although a coward as he is. He would use the Sim card and quickly chuck it away in the hope of covering his tracks should the British police desire to track him down for his criminal activity – threatening people.

Many friends including real Jamaicans and the police have been passed the number and hopefully, he will get tracked down. Some names of Ghanaian suspects have also been passed on to the police but not to friends to avoid the situation of one going their own way to attack the wrong person without carrying out proper secret investigations that will lead to pinning down the real culprit – the nuisance caller or the contract killer.

Whoever thinks he can come from Ghana to carry out, or hire people in the United Kingdom or Europe to carry out obvious crime that is punishable by law is just a complete joker.

Before any such crime is committed, or when committed, by whomever, the person(s) will be arrested, prosecuted and jailed. Therefore, any idiots offering themselves to be used by their hirers should think twice.

Knowing the law and how crime is punishable in the Whiteman’s land, even though I have the phone numbers and addresses of some people including one Afriyie who once stupidly bluffed that he was going to write my biography, but only to recoil into his lair when I published my findings about him, I have never dreamt about phoning them. What should I phone them for; to threaten them?

Why are people scared of hearing the truth? Why can’t some people respect the law but think resorting to coercion will yield them their heart desires? Such people are joking!

They have to stop their illegal and criminal activities, the only condition under which they can earn respect from the people that they lead. That is also the only way to have people cease talking degradingly about them.

The chiefs must stop abusing their traditional powers. They should not reap from where they have not sown. They must respect themselves; serve their areas and subjects but not to exploit them through intimidations. The President and his government must cease embezzling funds; cease practising selective justice, nepotism and cease being lawless. Until then, people will discuss them in the media regardless of what illegal actions they may take to suppress the governed.

Finally, let everyone know that “Lawless are they that make their wills their law”.

Have I become a target by Ghana government, Asantehene, Dr Yaw Sarfo and Kumawuhemaa and their supporters because of my propensity to tell the truth? Truth is like a cork, the harder you try to submerge it in water, the much stronger it pops up.

I shall not let idiots ruin my day!

Rockson Adofo

(Written on Friday 22nd April 2016)