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Opinions of Monday, 1 April 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Could the Supreme Court Judges be as Wise as King Solomon?

Could the Supreme Court Judges Sitting on Election 2012 Fraud case be as Wise as King Solomon?

As tired as I am and just about to lapse into some sort of kip or have an afternoon nap, which would have perfectly been a siesta if I was still a student at Kumawu Tweneboah Kodua Secondary School, my intuition has directed me to put the following across.

I have intuitionally been directed to ask the following question to all Ghanaians worldwide, irrespective of your political affiliations, "Could the Supreme Court Judges Sitting on Election 2012 Fraud case be as Wise as King Solomon?"

My intuition tells me if they could be one-hundredth (1/100) as wise as the biblical King Solomon, they would determine the just outcome of the case within days of sitting on, and hearing, the case. It is only when they decide to do the unthinkable, having been influenced in one way or the other, as being asserted by some relations of John Mahama's Government Ministers living in London that it will take them months or ages. Refer to my article published on Ghanaweb, and on Wednesday, 6 March 2013 titled, "The Supreme Court to Redeem herself…of Seeming Connivance with…if…" This article tells you volumes about what has been agreed on, and not, behind close doors between John Mahama's faction and the judges if truly, the said family members are to be taken seriously.

I will just reproduce a verbatim record of what transpired between King Solomon and two women. This tells of the in-depth wisdom God had bestowed on King Solomon. I am doing so to hurry up to go and catch a nap and also to let my readers, some of whom may have the difficulty doing a bit of research if referred to the bible, to know exactly what happened.

"One day two women came before the King. They carried with them a little baby, which was set down on the floor, at the foot of Solomon’s throne “O my lord,” said one of the women, “five days ago I gave birth to a child. This woman and I live in the same house, and three days later she also gave birth, but that same night her child died, and at midnight she arose and, while I was sleeping, took my son away from me, and laid her dead child in its place. When I awoke in the morning I thought at first that my son was dead, until I realised that it was not my child.” “No,” interrupted the second woman, “she lies, my lord, she lies! The living child is mine and the dead is hers!” “No,” cried the first woman, wildly. “No, the dead child is yours, and the living child is mine.” King Solomon raised his hand for silence. “One of you says ‘my child lives and yours is dead ’, and the other says ‘your child is dead and my child lives’: there is a simple way to resolve the matter. Bring me a sword.” A sword was brought, and the assembly waited to see how the King would proceed. “Very well,” he said, “cut the child in two, and give half to one mother, and half to the other.” The first woman turned pale. “O my lord,” she said in a faltering voice. “Pray, give her the child. I beg you, do not kill it.” But the other woman’s face remained hard. “Let it be neither mine nor yours,” she said, “divide it as the King has ordained.” Then Solomon arose, and pointed to the first woman. “The child belongs to her,” he said. “Give her the child, and do not kill it. She is its mother.” Word of this judgement spread throughout Israel, and people marvelled at the wisdom of the King".

Relate the above situation to what has barely transpired between the Counsel for Nana Akufo Addo (the petitioners or plaintiffs) and that of President Mahama (defendant or respondent). Both parties were ordered by the Supreme Court to "meet in an attempt at reaching an agreement on the memorandum of issues as set out in the application for directions and further directions".

Let me also reproduce a section of a publication on Ghanaweb under General News of Wednesday, 20 March 2013 titled, "Parties in deadlock over election petition" by courtesy of

Stalemate issues in the court’s record

"President Mahama is praying the court to decline the petitioners’ prayer for the court to allow parties in the case to adopt audio-visual aids in the presentation of evidence.

On the petitioners’ prayer that parties in the case are made to exchange documents to be relied on seven days before the trial, the President is pleading with the court to reject that request.

President Mahama is also praying the court to decline the petitioners’ suggestions that seven days before the trial; all parties must be made to present a list of witnesses and a brief summary of the nature and relevance of the testimony of each witness to enable the court to determine its probative value.

Agreed issues on record

President Mahama has, however, not opposed the petitioners’ suggestion that the hearing of the petition takes two months.

The parties are also not opposed to the application on whether or not persons were allowed to vote without biometric verification".

I know with certainty that many people reading this article will not bother themselves referring to the links indicated hence, reproducing certain vital portions of such links to graphically buttress my contention.

Why is the Counsel for President John Mahama opposing these basic requirements that will make every Ghanaian appreciate the outcome of the verdict when the Supreme Court finally delivers her judgment?

Ghanaians expect the Supreme Court judges to live above reproach and be a certain degree as wise as King Solomon. If this case had been taken before King Solomon, in the abundance of his overflowing fountain of wisdom, he would decide the case at the crack of the finger, just after hearing the outcome of the meeting between both parties as stated above.

Like the woman who was insisting the baby be cut up into two halves with each half going to each of the women, so is the Mahama camp behaving. I leave this and other numerous occurrences (NDC arranging to get people to sign "pink" sheets in Savelugu in the North, 4 biometric verification machines stolen in Amenfi East Constituency in the Western Region, etc) to the Supreme Court to decide.

Ghanaians, be discerning enough to critically evaluate this submission by Rockson Adofo, that fearless son of Kumawu/Asiampa who is inviting the Supreme Court judges and anyone in need of wisdom to come and drink from the abundance of his overflowing fountain of wisdom.

I am dozing off already so Goodbye to you all for now. Please, muse over this article and be a judge for yourself.

Rockson Adofo