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Opinions of Friday, 12 August 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Cry, my beloved NDC foot soldiers

National Democratic Congress supportersNational Democratic Congress supporters

The saying, “Monkey de work, baboon de chop” is manifesting in the lives of many an NDC foot soldier. NDC teems with foot soldiers that will do the bidding of their few superiors no matter what. It suffice to receive a command from people like Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, Koku Anyidoho, Kofi Adams and Ofosu Kwakye and they will be all over the place like headless chicken doing the master’s bidding.

Most of them do not get anything from these masters who live affluent lives out of misappropriating public funds and obvious commitments of acts of corruption of all sorts. Simply put, their mentioned masters and the few well-placed in NDC take them for complete imbeciles who cannot use their gumption to decipher between deception and the truth, to better their wretched lives.

While the foot soldiers go out to do all the dirty silly jobs; molesting and beating people, threatening the lives of innocent ordinary Ghanaians, sprinting or hurtling away with stuffed ballot boxes, raining insults on their political opponents and insanely signing petitions to release better-off but incarcerated NDC criminals from their prison sentence etc., they get nothing commensurable for their actions or work.

However, those who do little but are obviously well-positioned in NDC get all the reward. A classical ongoing case is where President Mahama has given two brand new Pajero vehicles and a 3-bedroom house in a posh area in Accra to Madam Akua Donkor of the Ghana Freedom Party. What has Akua Donkor been doing for NDC that is so special and different from the lies all the other NDC foot soldiers do perpetrate? Why has she been given two cars and a house whereas most of the foot soldiers have not been given anything worth the price of a car’s tyre or a bag of cement let alone, an old cheap car?

How much is the price of one Pajero vehicle like those given to Madam Akua Donkor? How much is the cost of the house given to her? Do they not run into hundreds of thousands of Ghana Cedis?

Will an NDC foot soldier indeed not be a FOOL SOLDIER if they allow themselves to be baited by say, GHC50, to go out doing more difficult, but absolutely stupid and criminal tasks for NDC of which Akua Donkor will not do one-hundredth of same tasks but earns a million times more money reward or praise?

Check the following web link; watch the video to see one of Akua Donkor’s cars.

Does the situation of the foot soldiers not be a perfect case resemblance of “monkey de work, baboon de chop”, when considering the volume of the criminal or foolhardy work they do with no, or small, remuneration, and the comparatively small work done by Akua Donkor, Koku Anyidoho, Sam George et al but who as individuals get cars, houses and huge sums of money in their home and foreign Bank accounts?

To me personally, all those claiming to be NDC foot soldiers going about causing mess and threatening innocent people while they still remain destitute, but continue to be happy with deceptive or never-to-fulfil promises by their party leadership are absolutely fools.

Similarly, there are two persons from my own hometown, Kumawu, who are alleged to have accepted a total of between GHC15, 000 to GHC20, 000 from Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II to drop a lawsuit they brought against Kumawuhemaa and the Kumawu Traditional Council for dubiously assisting Asantehene to lease/sell hundreds of thousands of hectares of Kumawu Afram Plains stool lands to a Norwegian Company.

As Asantehene and Kumawuhemaa including the currently alleged, but a complete puppet, Kumawuhene Barima Sarfo Tweneboa Kodua, stand to gain millions of American dollars, these two mentioned individuals only got a total of about US$4,000.

Check the following two web links for further details.

How intelligent are the said two individuals who have sold their birth-right and the future of Kumawuman for a pittance? Are they not in the same boat as the NDC foot soldiers who are now crying foul?

Continue to cry, my beloved, but completely out of normal, NDC foot soldiers. Do not allow yourselves to be fooled by those people who have robbed the nation in broad daylight to enrich themselves. Do not be fooled by the Montie 3, especially Salifu Maase, alias Mugabe, who has three Pajeros, a house and more money. When he incites you to insult people or go on rampage, you do it. You are at his beck and call. For all that he gets by supporting President Mahama and the NDC, but having one vote as you do, what do you get in reward compared to his?

Please, don’t act foolish so that you are not called FOOL SOLDIERS! Wise up!!!

Madam Akua Donkor has come back to insult the intelligence of the foot soldiers when they reacted angrily. She now says the cars and the house were bought and built, respectively, with her own money but just that she was pulling a fast one on Paa Kwesi Nduom for seizing his car from her. Who is Akua fooling if not herself? Her current attempts to diffuse the detention within the NDC foot soldiers is even enflaming the situation further; adding insult to injury.

Change is coming to make all people in Ghana prosperous without ever having any foot soldiers that will by their senseless acts be called Fool soldiers.

Rockson Adofo