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Opinions of Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Columnist: Acheampong, Owusu Ebenezer

DL's "Y3ntie Obia"


The famous "Y3ntie Obia" track by DL didn't only introduce Ghanaians to great highlife music in 2014 but the fascinating political conspiracies it engrossed itself. As Ghanaians grieved that, the government is dancing to the tune of "Y3ntie Obia" and not attending to the grievances of the people.
And Now the REVELATION...!!!

It is all over the news that Amanda, ex-wife of Kenpong recorded a voice audio attacking Kenpong's current wife, Mona. The audio featured serious allegations of which I don't want to be the executioner, I believe we know them ourselves. But the question is, what will prompt an ex-wife to interfere in ex-husband's relationship? After all you're out of his life and anything concerning his relationship shouldn't be a serious consent. However, Amanda didn't keep mute but voiced out. If we are supposed to go by the saying "if nothing touches the palm branches, it doesn't rattle" then there must be a force pulling Amanda to act so even though married..What is this force? Let's pulse and watch the "Y3ntie Obia" video.

Did you see Kenpong in the video? When did he start featuring in music videos...Hmmmm asem oooo. Ok wait! Was it to tease Amanda? So what lead to their break up?
Now let's explain and transliterate "Y3ntie Obia"..

The music by DL seek to talk about love and the problems associated with it. DL begun with how he did all he can to pleased humanity but didn't received appreciation back. Due to that, he has learnt a great lessons from it and concluded that, he is not going to listen to anybody(Wo ntie obiaa),after all he came to this earth alone. He then introduced us to how his lover don't appreciate the love he has for her. Eiii Let's pulse? does that mean it was what was transpired in Kenpong and Amanda's relationship? Lol. Your guess could be good as mine.

Ok from another angle..

But why has Kenpong kept silent all this while about this issue? We know him to be the plain plain man ooo. Now I know, "Y3ntie Obia" in action, He is not going to listen to anything from anybody and not even going to attend to that audio. So far as he is concern, Mona can do whatever pleases her because humanity don't appreciate man's effort. So Mona "y3 nea wo ho b3to wo".hahahaaaa after all Kenpong will not listen to what people will say to ruin his relationship with you therefore he is saying "Y3ntie Obia". You are this, you are that, and so what? It will matter to other people not him Kenpong. Wow!!! That was a great insight right? It was found in the "Y3ntie Obia" track oooo. No wonder Kenpong was in the video. Hahahaa.

Now finally, since we have not established why Kenpong broke up with Amanda, why Amanda recorded that audio, why Kenpong has been silent on this issue and why did Kenpong featured in the "Y3ntie Obia" music video. I'm pleading with Amanda to focus on her new marriage now and let the sleeping dogs snore in their dreams. After all she didn't remain single after the break up, someone has falling deep for her and accepted to continue life with her, so she is a winner. She is better without Kenpong and a happy married woman now. Kenpong and Mona is happily dancing to "Y3ntie Obia" and will never mind her and any other persons who gossip about their relationship.

You can also watch the "Ye Nea woho beto wo' video and read this article again and you will appreciate this article.. You can also come out with more revelations. So far as Kenpong is featured in the video, I bet you, he is not going to mind anybody(wo ntie obiaa).
Big ups to DL, your music has always been fantastic hahahaaa. To Mona and Kenpong keep "iskoking" to the tune. Don't listen to anybody.


The writer is a Psychologist, an Activist and a creative writer. Who inform through creative writings.