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Opinions of Thursday, 21 January 2010

Columnist: Saha, Kambala

Dagbon Crisis-We Need Honest/Sincere Questions and Answers

kambala saha

I read last week that the Abudus have withdrawn from the peace process-its unfortunate but let me ask these questions and I am not expecting any answers from you but do hope you maybe to also ask these questions to a wider audience and get Ghanaians thinking.

1. Was the late Abudu's chief-Mahama abdulai a Yaa naa or not? does his name appears in the list of Yaa naas of Dagbon?

2. If he was not a Yaa naa, why was he buried in the royal palace if it is only Yaa naas who should be buried there?

3. It is a crime for the Abudus to demand that they be allow to perform the funeral rites of their chief?(anyway it is wrong to say their chief because a Yaa naa should be for all)!

4. The late Yaa naa Yakubu Andani died with other forty(40) elders-knowing the exact number of those who dies with him means the bodies were counted-Can the Andanis tell Ghanaians and the whole world the names of these forty(40) elders? the list maybe shocking!!otherwise why are the Andanis shying away from providing such a list??? The list maybe shocking

5. It is no secret that among the persons who died with the Yaa naa, were persons such as tishegu nachin naa, diba diba, nimovi, red, etc -are these people from Yendi? If they are not from yendi-what were they doing in Yendi and in the Yaa naa's palace?

4. When the Yaa naa was killed and the palace burnt down completely-how come not even a single wife or child of the Yaa naa was among the dead??Where were the wives and children of the Yaa naa?

5.Rawlings who is now making noise about these unfortunate event should be asked what roled he played during PNDC and NDC1 era when he was head of state?he was the one who presided over the peace deal in 1987 and the recommendations of the supreme court rulings are well known to him. Why did he not implement the Supreme Court rulings during his tenure?

6. The Andanis must explain why the road map should be followed now and why the Abudus should not withdraw becuase they were the ones who declared the Wuaku commission as flawed-but it is on the basis of the Wuaku commission's recommendations that the road to peace is based?so if the Wuaku commission was flawed, then the road map to peace is equally flawed!!

These are my thoughts and I hope to find answers to them!
