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Opinions of Thursday, 21 May 2009

Columnist: Adede, Mercy Bolus

Daily Cleaning campaign in Ghana a must

As Ghana push forward as a tourist destination we need to stick to a strict daily rota.

How many time are our gutter de-silted weekly perhaps?

How many times are our busy streets cleaned?

In France one have witness morning and evening cleaning around Paris itself?

Check this out?

When one visited some parts of the rural areas in France back in 1990, I observed that they had pit latrines in huts in open yard in farm houses and other and primitive toilet facilities. On another occasion I witnessed men urinating in the corners of Paris city centres due to lack of public facilities. That was the norm in most countries then however; in recent time times development is setting in every country.

Although there are few of such latrines, I found that public facilities are improving in France these days. ?

On the contrary, these are still scenes seen on our busy streets in Ghana. The old town had had it and I am surprised we have certain dilapidated building with no maintenances still standing. Would we be better off to demolish certain areas in Accra and or improved living conditions there.

How could we prosecute people who violate cleaning programmes when we hardly any litterbin on our main streets, town and villages? Why do we also lock up minor offenders prisoners when they could be sent to clean up our streets and learn the hard way thus contributing something to the community?

Our cities, towns and villages are filthy and perhaps using the giving the responsibilities to local chief to run daily cleaning campaign with incentives for each community would be encourage people to improve their communities.

It is about time we start a daily cleaning rota to generate employment for idle hands.

Ghana is now looking forward to receiving the first Black President of America, Barrack Obama. Let us as Ghanaians double up and show our true selves promise to keep Ghana clean from drugs, clean from filth, clean from bad language, clean air and above all respect for each other regardless our cultural or religious beliefs.

Hopefully, Ghana would now enjoy have a daily cleaning programme throughout its towns and villages and not just in the busy cities.