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Opinions of Thursday, 14 September 2023

Columnist: Abena Osegu Boateng

Dangerous elements in NDC

File photo: NDC flag File photo: NDC flag

Too many dangerous elements are emerging at the very center of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and they appear to be hell bent on dividing the country along the lines of ethnicity, religion and anything they can find.

The problem with this lot is that they are not just busily reducing the chances of the NDC
winning the December 2024 elections, they are also destroying the national cohesion painstakingly built by Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah over more than a decade.

For reasons best Known to them, these ragamofian idiots have concluded that only the selection of their relatives, friends, paymasters and cronies by John Mahama as his running mate can make the NDC win power and save Ghana from the disaster the NPP administration has visited on Ghana.

In their extreme foolishness, they have come up with a long list of names, including Leslie Tamakloe, Julius Debrah, Kojo Bonsu and Kwabena Ofosu as good replacements for Professor Naana Opoku Agyeman as running mate of John Mahama.
The first question that pops up is how will John Mahama explain his change of mind
to the people of Ghana?

Four years ago, John Mahama told us that the time has come for women to play leading roles in shaping the politics of Ghana and therefore he was choosing Professor Jane Naana Opoku Agyeman as his running mate.

If John Mahama were to change his mind and select any of these hard faced men being thrown at him, what explanation will he offer ? Will he tell Ghanaians that he made a mistake the last time in choosing a woman and that in 2024 women can no longer play leading roles in shaping the politics of Ghana? How will this explanation affect his campaign and chances of being elected?

The other day, I heard somebody who described himself as a historian and a lawyer arguing on purely tribal grounds that the best person Mahama can chose as his running mate is Julius Debrah. He claimed that fantes control only six or so constituencies in Ghana and therefore they don’t or shouldn’t be considered important in election choices.

What can be more foolish than this? To advocate the sidelining of a whole ethnic group in an election which can be so very crucial is nothing more or less than suicidal.
This same person then argues that because Julius Debrah is an Asante, he is the most qualified to partner Mahama. I was shocked because all along I have heard Julius describe himself as a Kwahu.

Interestingly this person manages to retreat into some long forgotten history to demonstrate that Kwahus are Asantes and that because Asantes live in more than 50 constituencies the selection of Julius Debrah will automatically give the NDC Victory in the 2024 elections.

This is rubbish in the extreme. The false argument is that the selection of Julius Debrah will make Asantes who are in the NPP abandon their party. So by logical extension, we are being told that people like ex-president Kufour and Akosua Frimpongma who have voted NPP all their lives will now vote for NDC because Julius Debrah has been chosen as running mate.

The most dangerous point is that the argument is made that it Julius Debrah or an Asante is not chosen, then Asantes will and must vote against John Mahama and the NDC in the up-coming elections.

The case for Kojo Bonsu is perhaps the weakest. We can all remember that Asante chiefs came together and slaughtered a sheep to compel John Mahama to get rid of him as the Kumasi Metropolitan Chief Executive. So much for Asantes wanting their own to lead.

The Campaign for Leshie Tamakloe is hinged on the fact that he comes from the Volta Region. To start with, is he the only person who comes from that region? If the running mate has to be chosen from the Volta Region, then why not Larry Gbevlo-Lartey, Rt Honorable Doe Adjaho, Okudzeto-Ablakwa, Fiifi Kwetey or Kofi Attoh? Why should it be Leshie Tamakloe ?

The reverse of the argument that the only way to secure votes from the Volta region is to pick a running mate from there is that if John Mahama does not pick the Vice President from there, voltarians will or must vote against the NDC? How reckless can this suggestion be?

I have no time to waste on all the names which are being thrown about because the import of this useless campaign does not change with names. The main point is that if the NDC allows or encourages it, in the final analysis it will become most dangerous.

Those who are pushing the get rid of Jane Opoku Agyemang agenda are only looking at their very narrow interests, and will end up doing substantial damage to the NDC and John Mahama.
Who can rightly claim that the NDC lost the 2020 elections because John Mahama selected Professor Jane Naana Opoku as his running mate?

Somebody has to put an end to their crazy rubbish.