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Opinions of Thursday, 25 March 2021

Columnist: Alhassan Murtala

Dear Abdul-wahab Hanan Aludiba,

Chief Executive Officer, National Food Buffer Stock Company (NAFCO), Abdul-wahab Hanan Aludiba Chief Executive Officer, National Food Buffer Stock Company (NAFCO), Abdul-wahab Hanan Aludiba

Many have had their opinion about you both publicly and privately, be them true or not true, praises or condemnation and that is human nature.

You're not worthy a human being if you're not reviewed by society, the ability to accept such reviews positively makes the difference and in your case, you are always willing to hear your faults and correct them timely.

I am writing publicly to you because I consider you a public figure hence my opinion shouldn't be private.

You have become a key figure in the affairs of your party, both National and in the region expecially. Your good works are loud and visible for those with good eyes and ears to see and hear.

Your exemplary generosity and high level of tact and patience is something that is very loud in the mouth of many who have had the opportunity to encounter you.

My public opinion about you going into the future is simply, you will be unfair to your party, the youth and Bawku in general if you don't put yourself up for the position of Member of Parliament.

You're such a unique figure, unique in the sense that, you cut across all that matters for a person to place themselves up to become a leader in a town like Bawku, yes !!, in a town like Bawku.

Your Party leadership, both National and in the constituency must sit with you, possibly force you to put yourself up for that position if you're not interested. The party should not give you an opportunity to choose between contesting or not, a NO answer from you shouldn't be an option, your constituency, in this case Bawku, should be grateful and more than willing to support you genuinely as their candidate.

It's a mark of leadership when one has to shelve their plans for the general interest of a community or the collective, you may have your own plans going forward but I think your plans if it doesn't include serving the good people of Bawku as their MP, is a lost plan, you have no reason to let down the people when you're needed most.

Let me strongly remind readers that, Bawku has standards, any individual who falls short of this standards will have a huge task ever becoming an MP in which ever Political Party they seek to represent.

In my opinion you have met that standard, you're more than qualified to raise the bar, you have the people at heart and you have shown my your actions and inaction that you will do more.

Leadership is a calling, it has absolutely nothing to do with age, nothing to do with colour, nothing to do with sex etc. It's simply a calling and when that calls come, non can dare stop, try and you shall fail and exposed.

The Youth must guide jealously their own, the future indeed belongs to those who prepare for it today.

Let's have a constructive criticism of ourselves, the agenda for a better Bawku should be a collective one. Let's guide jealously that precious "mineral" we have.

I know many Young men from Bawku with lost of potentials, let's single them out for support, encouragement, praises and above all our prayers.

A better Bawku is what we should pray to have.