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Opinions of Monday, 14 November 2016

Columnist: Azindoo, China

Dear voters, vote for John Dramani Mahama on December 7th

John Mahama John Mahama

By Azindoo China

The December 7th election is numbering up and I would like to propose a better choice for my fellow Ghanaians.The December election, is a duty call to all, who love our country to add his voice in the choices we may want to make, to either shape or derail our country's efforts to move forward.

That's why, I find it prudent and incumbent upon myself, to add my little voice in the political discourse.

The choice is simple. It's John Dramani Mahama of NDC. I do not need to make lots of noises or do propaganda as many people do. It's just as simple as that.

We have two competitive parties( NDC and NPP) garning for the ultimate glory- to win, and we need to look at certain things between two.In looking at the two dominant parties, we have a duty to compare their track records. I emphasize on track records of both sides because , in leadership, records of public officers are gauged to measure one's potency and suitability.

So, that's what we need to look at.The track records of an individual or a party could give you what to expect in leadership under a chosen candidate or leader.

The John Dramani Mahama administration's track records are centered on infrastructure development and we can see all of those. It has moved our county out of some infrastructure deficits Ghana used to lack and I wouldn't mince no words to admit it and praise it.

I don't want to get involved in mentioning and enumerating projects of these administration but the evidence is under your noses around you in our cities, villages and hamlets .You can testify to it. From School buildings to good roads to hospitals to overhead bridges and all sectors of the economy received its fare share. Really, it's holitic in nature, covering everythig and everybody. These are all living testimonies of the John Dramani Mahama's legacies.

These aforementioned above, are all indicators of a risen powerful nation.No nation can develop without first laying foundations ,so the NDC administration got it right by investing heavily in infrastructure.

This govt of NDC, also chalked so much in social interventions front. It instituted numerous social caps to alleviate our people from poverty and endowments. This shows how caring this govt is.

The NPP, on the other hand, is relying on its manifesto to win this election, that's where the problem arises. When I listen to them, they don't talk much about NPP's tenure and their records then.But choose to de on their recently crafted manifesto promises.

As I said before, leadership is truly measured by track records so if NPP dodge such simple measure to tell us what they did in their 8- year- rule, then we need to shiver. If NPP had outlined its records , to challenge NDC's one , we would have had a better understanding of the other side of the coin.

So, I think, the NPP is running away from their track records, because or maybe, there's none.If there's none of their records I think we have to have a cause to worry.

I am appealing to all Ghanaians to look at the track records of John Dramani Mahama and vote for him .It's clear, as he has solid records to pride himself in.

Let's not fall into manifesto promises. Paper work is different from reality. I urge all Ghanaians to see for themselves and vote wisely.

I believe all will thumbprint for the man, John Dramani Mahama, on 7th December , for a better tomorrow.

I wish all Ghanaians the best!