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Opinions of Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Columnist: Adjei-Ntiedu, Jonas

Death Of Prez Mahama: Rev. Bempah’s Wish-Not Divine Prophecy

Death Of Prez Mahama In 2013: Rev. Bempah’s Wish-Not Divine Prophecy

Our attention has been drawn to a news item in some media outlets, especially on which indicates that Rev. Isaac Owusu Bempah, Founder and General Overseer of Glorious Word Ministry International declaring the death of our President this year, should intercessional prayers not be offered him. This, according to the Man of God, came through a supposed Divine Prophecy.

The Outlaw Citizens of Ghana (OCOG) received this news with a pinch of salt and wish to say under no uncertain terms that the supposed prophecy did not, cannot and will not ever come from God through Rev. Isaac O. Bempah.

In recent times, this Man of God has publicly given the impression that he is against the Presidency of Mahama. The supposed prophecy, we are being told is coming from a person, who has publicly declared that he believes Nana Addo, the 2012 Presidential Candidate of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) won the last general polls but was denied victory.

How can we believe this same Man of God if today, he is telling us the President faces sudden death if we don’t pray for him?

To begin with, it is quite strange and contrary for a man of God to resort to the media about the death of the sitting President of Ghana. This behavior, we think is not found in the scriptures, worse still, is unethical. One would believe that, after seeing the revelation, he would himself declare days to pray for the President and avert any calamities on his way. This, the Man of God does not appear to be interested in, but is resorting to the media for sensationalisms. In any case, don’t Ghanaians, Muslims or Christians alike, pray for the President every now and then? Hasn’t God heard us enough?

Again, Rev. Owusu Bempah claims he foresaw the death of late President Mills. Is he telling us Mills died because no intercessory prayers were offered on his behalf? And if Mahama does remain alive by next year, that means Ghanaians did not intercede for their President? The Outlaw Citizens of Ghana (OCOG) strongly believes that “Man born of a woman has few days to live” (Job 14:14). Again, we agree with the ancient philosopher (Solomon) who said, No-one has power over the day of his death”. To this end, Prez. Mahama, just as mortal as anyone else, at the appointed time, will return to His Maker. That is not to say anyone can hide under religious cover and declare death of another person.

We strongly urge Rev. Bempah to desist from such utterances. He must not clothe himself in the name of Religion and perpetrate evil, because Jeremiah 23:21 will be a standard against him. Death is a serious matter and must not be pronounced on any one, not in the slightest of terms. The Christian community must also condemn his utterances.

As concerned Ghanaians, OCOG believes and actually prays for the President and all those who affect in the effective running of this nation. Our Prayer for Mahama and his team always is that “they prosper in all things and be in good health, just as their souls prosper”, and for God to grant them wisdom and knowledge to rule this nation, for as Solomon asked God, “Who can govern this multitude of People with human wisdom?”.

We want Rev. Owusu Bempah to understand that just as the council of Ahitophel did not stand in days gone by, so shall his supposed prophecy/wish. Our Mighty God will raise a standard against all Mahama’s enemies.


Signed Jonas Adjei-Ntiedu (, Chairman)