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Opinions of Monday, 6 June 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Debunk Alhaji Bature’s satirical publication about NPP Communicator “Obaa Yaa”

Obaa Yaa is one of the most knowledgeable and politically well-informed NPP Communicators based in London. She is beautiful, married and a respectful woman.

On Saturday, 3rd June 2016, I came across a publication on Ghanaweb under their Diaspora News of Thursday, 2 June 2016 sourced from the woefully sub-standard The Al-hajj newspaper, titled, “NPP man stabbed another in London “under the publication web link:

I painstakingly read it and it was all about Alhaji Bature, the Editor-in-Chief and owner of The Al-hajj newspaper, writing defamatory allegations about one Obaa Yaa, a London-based NPP communicator.

According to Alhaji Bature, who was once alleged to have such a bad breath that when he opens his mouth to talk or yawn, it becomes an “azonto” dancing ground or environment for an army of houseflies, that Obaa Yaa has been having an extramarital sexual relationship with one Naasei, her fellow NPP communicator.

For the reading public, I shall advise you to treat “Mr Lowlife” Alhaji Bature, his despicably sub-standard Al-hajj newspaper, and his agents and assigns with the public scorn that they deserve. The publication is born out of his unstable state of hallucinatory mind, if not purely out of the figment of his warped imagination.

Obaa Yaa as many Londoners and interested persons know, is a very faithful and a happily married woman who does not expose her nudity to any other man or woman apart from her husband. I do not want to talk about Obaa Yaa’s husband that Mr Lowlife Bature is here portraying as a sadomasochist of Dagomba extraction (tribal background).

Alhaji Bature is established to have hatred towards any outstanding person or Ghanaian who does not support President Mahama and the NDC to guarantee their continuous stay in power despite their marked failings – corruption, incompetence, cluelessness, practice of tribalism, nepotism and selective justice, the bane of Ghana’s socio-economic prosperity.

No wonder that he hates Obaa Yaa hence coming up with this crap.

He once took me on, publishing same nonsense about me but I cut him down to size and showed him he belongs to the refuse dump where his compromising principles in favour of the cause of President Mahama, NDC and Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II may be tolerated.

Fellow Ghanaians, treat this publication by Aljaji Bature about Obaa Yaa as total lies. It is not different from the uncountable lies that he writes to appease President Mahama and the NDC to earn him a handsome living as his career as a newspaper owner has nosedived, yielding him nothing because he is such a ridiculous liar and an unprofessional journalist.

People even refuse to accept his newspaper when offered to them free let alone, using the papers on which he publishes his news to wipe their backside or buy them. That explains how useless his publications are and how frustrated he has become hence churning out nonsense on daily basis to please only his equally less serious fellows, for a living.

Obaa Yaa, keep up your good work for NPP and Ghana. Do not be daunted by this purposeful nonsense written about you and your husband by the deranged Alhaji Bature of The Al-hajj newspaper.

To conclude, the public is informed that neither has Obaa Yaa involved in extramarital sexual affairs nor her husband stabbed anyone on the grounds adduced by the allegedly smelly-mouthed Alhaji Bature of The Al-hajj Newspaper.

Rockson Adofo