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Opinions of Saturday, 9 April 2011

Columnist: Agyare-Kyidom, Opoku Akwasi

Decay Of Excellence

I am whistling to express the level of astonishment that dscend on me, when I saw in the facebook the abominable act commited by some students of our nation's premier seat of higher education Legon ( Mensah Sarbah Hall ). How can poeple whose parents are spending huge effort, in cash and kind, to accord them the best in life,( Education ) could stoop so low by commiting an act, which could not even be ordained under the Mullar Omar's Afghanistan. Well, am not in way giving any form of blessing to the unlawful act said to have been commited by the Lady in question.

But my question is how are these students being trained at home and at school, and what are they being school for? to uphold virtues and ideal leadership role in communities, or to display, and play it again the AFRC/PNDC/NDC's dishuman act of 1979, where woman are strip off in public and force to take beatings in their prevate parts by the junta, under the lordship of the "Arch Holy Devil" of Ghana's political history.

The "eye heann eye kanea" taboo deeds of the failed Revolution of the gone era, have given birth to a number of dispirited act against woman in our nation, and Sarba-inmates-Amina saga is a carbon copy of some of the woes inherited from AFRC. It alwaya,almost in the AFRC/PNDC/NDC`s administration, that academic excellencies and dare sense of humour always seem be far fetch from educational radar, that exhibition of "moral cancer" becomes the order of the day. Indeed, I cry my heart out to hear the name Mensah Sarba is so mentioned to project the picture of the doers of this shameful act , because, there is a say that riches does not guarantee immortality, and yes , Mr, Mensah in his maortal existence was not much rich in material terms, yet, he has been immortalised by his good will to human kind and his acute academic disciplines without measure. I therefore, calling all those on the educational ladder, to start from now deeping deep into men like Mensah Sarba's life and emulate the best, for the goodness of our nation Ghana.

E:Opoku Akwasi Agyare-Kyidom

Frankfurt, Germany.