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Opinions of Friday, 28 December 2007

Columnist: Fosu, John

Destructive Critics and Bad Traditional Rulers Ruin Kumawuman & Ghana

My managerial style dictates that I share the commendation, but not the blame and condemnation which obviously as well should have been the case, with my critics, be they constructive or destructive. Constructive criticism builds but destructive criticism dismantles what the selfless intelligent mind through great effort and pains has assembled. Destructive critics are devoid of in-depth knowledge, intelligence and practical wisdom but are temperamentally hopping mad to the gun. What have the destructive critics to offer?

They have nothing noteworthy, but senselessness in immeasurable proportion. While the admired constructive critique proposes purported sound alternate view to that expressed, ensemble helping to move a view forward in the right direction through the offering of cogent solutions and suggestions, the destructive criticism only destroys by bashing without the slightest presentation of a view forward. What a dividing sea or abyss, separating into categorization these two groups of people, in relation to nation building where think-tanks are called for. Therefore, those fond of criticizing aimlessly, should be aware of how

I see them through my bi-focal, multi-variant lenses.

The downfall of Ghana is partly attributable to the stigmatized destructive criticisms which never proffer solutions but complicate issues. How then is a country full of a comparatively higher degree of destructive criticisms but fewer solutions, make any stride in her quest to shed the poverty it has disgracefully come to identify with? Many a Ghanaian criticise, insult and threaten without offering an iota of insight into the problems let alone, suggesting effective solutions to curtailing the impaling problems aggressively confronting Ghana as a nation, rendering most of her citizens destitute. As I have already said in my earlier write-ups, those who are fond of insulting, criticising destructively, you are welcome but please make a U-turn, take a step in the right direction, behaving responsibly for the first time or for once by putting up a solution, in case it will help solve the problems I write about.

As it is hard for an old dog to learn new tricks, so also it is difficult for destructive critics to learn sense, change from their dismal attitudes cultivated over a number of years, becoming part and parcel of their very human tissue. However, with patience, dedication and resolute determination through resort to education via the e-print, a desired change will eventually be effected. As long as Ghana teems with destructive problems, and Kumawu drowned in her own peculiar problems regressively holding her development in limbo, I can hardly rest in peace, I can hardly choose to be nonchalant, but boldly speak up, putting my views and suggestions across in bravery. And until my noble intentions for Kumawuman are achieved, may I never rest; regardless of the castigations, malevolence and the incircumspection of some uncultured destructive critics who are actually distractors, unconsciously condoning and conniving with the royals bent on sucking the life out of Kumawuman. It is through fearlessness, patriotism, absolute honesty to a defined course in time, and sense of responsibility, that the Whiteman, our mentor, achieved the greener pastures we are hilariously fleecing. Why then can’t we adopt such noble qualities ourselves if we really want to move forward as a country? Why should the seer desirous to lead his people out of the land of slavery to the Promised Land be rather seen as the Satan, in which case, it is the view of the destructive critics who rather always condone the perpetuation of evil in society?

My destructive critics accuse me of choosing the soft touch, that is, the issues about Kumawuman involving her dilapidation due to the horrendous actions of the very royals entrusted to rule, to bring about development to the area. It is always advisable to eat your way through from the meat to the bone, but not the vice versa. I have to begin solving the small worrisome problems, gathering experience along the way to be able to tackle other major national issues of same despicability.

Why at all do people have hatred for the truth? Does telling the truth hurt? If it does, then I will do it with passion and intensity. Honesty, do we normally desire as rational beings, but not dishonesty. Am I wrong to update the Kumawuman citizens worldwide on the current issues affecting Kumawuman which may have direct or indirect affect on them? If indeed I am right, being the self-appointed spokesperson or mouthpiece, why then the usual hue and cry by certain staunch believers of tradition who in spite of the rot permeating the bones and marrow of Kumawuman, insist that the head, author, and champion of the rot is still given the free hand to decide who succeeds the late Barima Asumadu Sakyi II as the Paramount chief of Kumawuman? Until the blood in me ceases to circulate only by the act of the Merciful Father God, I am going to intensify the pressure brought to exert upon the dishonourable royals, especially the queen and her little team who are hell-bent to deprive Kumawuman of the requisite development, by gulping down their distended throats and bellies any amount of money meant for the development of the area. I am oxymoronically announcing that a certain amount of money which could have helped Kumawuman a bit, has recently been withdrawn from the Traditional Council’s bank accounts, on the orders of the “Kontirehene”, the caretaker exercising the powers of a paramount chief until an actual one is chosen, through the usual instigation of our sly bully, the so-called award winning “Lady Tyson”. He is however being served a court summons to explain the disbursement of the money, the secrecy and intricacy of which constitute a gross misconduct; a sackable offence indeed! Kontirehene indeed is a goner! No amount of persuasion can let me change my mind formed about this young man who initially portrayed himself as a dynamic person with the interest of Kumawuman at heart. The secret behind his behaviour is that, the queen has promised him a car should he help her install her choice of candidate as the next “Omanhene” for the Kumawu traditional area. Kontirehene will never get the car as the queen’s dream of crowning that Dr. Sarfo, a puppet, who she thinks to influence very easily, permitting her to continue to swallow in gulps any money coming into the coffers of Kumawuman as does a python to its prey, will never materialize. He is sacrificing the greater interest of Kumawuman for the satisfaction of his selfish gluttony for wealth. If he was wise, he should have taken the car from the queen without compromising his status to the annoyance of the inhabitants of Kumawuman. He could at best have told the progressives his need for a car whereby one could have volunteered to purchase him a decent car or at least an old banger. If you don’t ask, you will never get. And he, who stops and asks on his way, never gets missing. But as things stand now, he has shot himself in both legs and feet, now he is sprawling on the floor, almost too late to be saved from retribution. And the queen knowing that she has failed in her evil attempts to get his candidate accepted, will never part with the car as promised to Kontirehene. It serves him right!

How many fleets of cars does the queen want? Why is she craving for wealth by resorting to unhealthy means? Is the money she instigated Kontirehene to withdraw not used to pay import duties on her expensive car she recently purchased from her trip to Canada, a few days to the burial of the late Paramount chief of Kumawu, Barima Asumadu Sakyi II, now hidden in Accra, scared to take it to Kumawu?. Is the queen not shocked about the veracity of my revealed information and how I come by them? Does she still trust those she thinks to confide in? It is all about how God wants to get his anointed person crowned as the next chief that makes it possible for me to come by all these true information I share with those who care most about Kumawuman. I may consider writing a screenplay on Kumawu, embodying issues dating as far back as the “Yate asem” era. It will be marvellous. My personal view is that those divisional chiefs, who know themselves as obstruction to peace and development, should please reconsider their positions. Any impediment to peace and development will be bulldozed. Our resolute determination to put Kumawuman back on development track will not accommodate any hindrances in the way so those who are themselves objects of hindrance should leave honourably before I propose that they be sacked. A word to the wise is sufficient.

I wish all Ghanaians worldwide a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year with a new honest Paramount Chief for Kumawuman, and Nana Akufo-Addo becoming Ghana’s president ready to work with dedicated, honest and visionary people.

John Fosu, USA

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