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Opinions of Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Columnist: Issah Fuseini

Did Clement Apaak get it wrong or it was a propaganda package?

Clement Apaak Clement Apaak

This was what George Orwell said about political propaganda: “Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectful, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure mind”.

Dresden James said: “When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth seen utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic”.

Happenings in the country since this administration took over and comments emanating from the minority side has given me the impression that truth has been thrown to the dogs. I was extremely surprised to hear Clement Apaak, the Convener for Forum for Governance and Justice (FGJ) and Member of Parliament for Builsa South constituency lamenting on some security men employed by government to work at Parliament house.

He said, “Quite clearly, I don’t think that the responsibility of providing security for Members of Parliament and Parliament should be in the domain of a private security, let alone an entity that is recruiting and deploying people that we know are affiliated with the ruling NPP,”.

The question here is, were those employed under the Mahama administration recruited from NDC headquarters? Or they were also selected from their vigilante groups? People like Clement Apaak shouldn't be taken seriously as they continue to disgrace themselves on every single issue brought before the public.

Clement Apaak has disgracefully coiled back without an apology to the public after Hon. Kate Addo exposed his lies and evil agenda against Nana Addo's government. The lady said “It is true that Parliament before we went on recess, had augmented the number of Policemen in Parliament. But it’s also true that it had employed new security men who are being trained about how Parliament works and who are being familiarized with the various surroundings of Parliament”.

She continued: “In the past few weeks over the weekend these young men have been coming for various orientations and physical training programme in Parliament… now the Saturday’s training coincided with the special sitting of the House where the Rt. Honourable Speaker was sworn in as acting president of the Republic of Ghana following the absence from the jurisdiction of president Akufo-Addo".

NDC believes that untruth spreads sooner than truth and people can easily be misled by extremist elements within NDC who peddled false rumours across the country thinking that their leaders have given them facts to tarnish the image of the government to gain power. Highly intelligent people, some people in the academia etc either deliberately or unconsciously accepted the lies thrown out by these hawks as truthful and used their platforms to give them credibility.

Gil Courtemanche said, “Propaganda is as powerful as heroin, it surreptitiously dissolves all capacity to think”. This is what all must consider when assessing the statement made by Clement Apaak.

Joseph Goebbels declared that "if you have to use lies to propagate your cause, you would have to repeat it more often than possible and use the established mainstream media to turn it into a publicly acceptable truth”, that is exactly what the minority is doing now.

For some of us who can differentiate between palpable lies and hardcore truth, we will continue to expose them to the public until they become irrelevant in society.

What my colleagues from the NDC side seem to forget is that lies and propaganda gives ten times advantage to your opponents when the public identify the truth. The NDC keep sinking because Ghanaians have begun identifying the nicked propaganda and peddling of untruth to get grips to power.

Propaganda, lies and dishonesty have become visible trademarks of the opposition NDC party. They have forgotten that when you get caught lying, people tend to mistrust you from that point forward. If you lie habitually, people will become especially wary of you. There may come a point in time when nobody believes anything you have to say, even though you may actually be telling the truth. When someone mistrusts you, they are unlikely to want to be your friend or have a close relationship with you. Hence, the habitual liar is often a very lonely person. I rest my case.