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Opinions of Monday, 10 October 2011

Columnist: Dadzie, Kweku

Did Kwesi Nduom take first step to leave the CPP?

*Did Kwesi** **Nduom** **take first step to leave the CPP?*

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Initial news of Paa Kwesi Nduom’s attempt not to contest the CPP flagbearership can be described in few words. ‘Good riddance to bad rubbish’. Paa Kwesi Nduom personifies everything wrong with today’s CPP. His decision to leave the CPP is the most scientific political step he has ever taken since joining politics. It seems somehow progressive than the one he made to campaign for Kuffour in 2004 and perhaps better than his agreement with the NPP to dissolve the CPP into their party.

What can be chasing a man away from the party he claims to be its only savior and later in haste in opening offices? Perhaps the outcome of the just ended delegate’s congress, the contents of leaked US diplomatic cables and recent uncontested allegations by the out gone youth organiser, Kabila, against Kwasi Nduom provides interesting perspective.

The national delegates’ congress of the CPP ended with Nduom’s candidate, Ladi Nylander losing the national chair to the Progressive Samia Nkrumah. Ladi had no choice but to hand over. The leadership of the CPP will not create austere conditions in the party for Kwesi Nduom’s ill-gotten wealth to dictate what happens in the party. The national executive will work hard to make the CPP attractive to attract the relevant funding from donors who want to see a progressive change in the politics of Ghana, not a mole of the NPP pretending to be an Nkrumaist. This leadership shift also accounts for the retreating of Nduom from the CPP.

Again, Nduom’s retreat from the CPP by suspending his bid for flagbearership is because of the fact that recent leaked US diplomatic cables has blown his cover as a CIA in-plant, explaining why he has so much money and property doted across the length and breadth of this country. Again we know from the US reports that Nduom stole the last CPP national elections that the true mandate of the people did not reflect. He used money and inducement to procure victory. We also know that he is inward looking and selfish. He ignored party structures and uses his family and cronies to run party business during the 2008 general elections. In fact, the US cables insist that contrary to stated objectives of Nduom wanting to build party structures, he has always worked to destroy it. This also accounts for Nduom’s discomfort in the CPP and therefore trying to exit.

Again, it is important to understand that Nduom’s discomfort in the CPP is also arising from humiliating exposures made against him, by the former youth organizer, Kwabena Bomfer, which Nduom has not denied. He has called Nduom a fraudster who has a Serious Fraud Office report hanging around his neck. He alleges among other things, all what Dr. Nduom sought to do when he became the flag bearer of the CPP was to create divisions, cause havoc, disunity party members and ultimately dissolve the CPP into the NPP.

In conclusion, Kwesi Nduom must clarify a few questions. Why will a man who a year ago was the flag-bearer of the CPP, so called chief financier of the party, spokesperson on finance and governance, commission a committee which reported that he is viable to contest the 2012 elections and has also accepted to contest, then all of a sudden saying he is no longer contesting 2012 after the humiliating wikileaks reports and the embarrassing defeats at the delegates congress?

Now that he has started opening offices after when I have told him it will be highly unscientific for him to become a flagbearer for the CPP when many constituencies do not have offices, the question one is bound to ask is what is his next action? Is he either going to re-load his Movement for Social Justice, contest for the flagbearship or he is going back to the NPP?


Kweku Dadzie.

Constituency Youth Organiser -Ablekuma South, CPP

Former vice Pres. Tertiary Students Charter, UG-CPP

Member of the All-African Peoples' Revolutionary Party

Ag. Secretary, Coalition against Foreign Intervention in Africa

Tel: +233-0242645775

Email: [email protected]