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Opinions of Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Did NPP Nearly Sack Police Commander Kofi Boakye as He Alleges?

I have read with dismay the Ashanti Regional Police Commander Kofi Boakye's purported fate under the Kufuor-led NPP government. He claims he nearly got the sack for simply being very close to former President J.J. Rawlings, often travelling outside and inside the country with him when Rawlings was the President of Ghana. He continues to decry the incessant, but needless interferences in security matters by politicians, especially, during recruitment of people into the police force or into the security services in general.

He says in a publication on of Sunday 25 January 2015, under the heading, 'I was lead Policeman for Rawlings' - Kofi Boakye – "Immediately NPP came to power I had to cease talking to him, completely. NPP came to power and some of us were nearly sacked because there was that presumption that once I have travelled with the head of state before; because I travelled with Rawlings to Libya, once I was the lead policeman whenever Rawlings is coming I am automatically NDC".

We need to have a holistic approach to the above declaration by PC Kofi Boakye. Therefore, I implore the public to examine the circumstances under which the NPP nearly sacked him if at all they attempted to. A coin has always two sides. There are always two sides to a story. He has told his side of the story. I am not going to dispute him, but being someone who has vowed to stand up for the poor, the needy and the helpless in the Ghanaian society, I owe the public a duty to tell them the other side of the story that nearly cost him his job.

I believe most of you may be aware of a cocaine saga in which he became an unfortunate victim, if not a seeming accomplice, in year 2006. He single-handedly conducted intelligence surveillance or investigations into the cocaine scandal in a manner deemed a bit suspicious. This led to him being temporarily suspended while a Georgina Wood Committee was set up to investigate the entire cocaine saga including his doubtful tactics, conduct, or methodology employed to personally investigate the case. The facts can slightly be ascertained from the provided links below.

Placing one on "Suspension with pay" whilst a misconduct or a gross misconduct against him/her is investigated does not in any way amount to political witch-hunt as it is the expressed view of PC Kofi Boakye. I do not want to delve deeper into security matters and how professional investigations are conducted even though I am a bit knowledgeable about it.

If any attempts were made by former President Kufuor and the NPP to sack him, only to be saved by Mr Francis Poku (Head of National Security in the Kufuor regime), as he has explained, then it was politically incorrect on the part of the NPP. However, his suspension from active service pending investigations into his conduct as I have revealed above was in line with normal investigative procedures.

Further to this, I have published an open letter to PC Kofi Boakye. This was followed up by another publication in which a manipulative letter sent to him by the Kumawu Traditional Council on instructions by Barimah Sarfo Tweneboah Koduah, the dubiously enstooled Kumawuhene, was attached. In the said publications, I pointed out to him how Asantehene and the mentioned Kumawuhene are those that have breached both the traditional and constitutional laws of the land. I quoted some of the laws that they have breached and subsequently advised him not to act as their stooge when they do approach him with offers for further illegal actions by his outfit. This is all because Asantehene had lately been heaping praises upon praises on him to have his head "swollen", a trick to get him do any request put before him by Asantehene.

Nonetheless, he has fallen for their bait all because of his probably personal ambition to become the Inspector General of Police (IGP) in the near future. I believe, he thinks by being at the beck and call of Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II; he can easily get the job. He hopes Asantehene by exercising his influence on President Mahama, his best friend, all will be well for him.

What a lack of professional mannerism by Kofi Boakye? He is there to serve the entire people of Ghana, particularly, the Ashantis, going by the definition of his current post (Ashanti Regional Police Commander). He is not there to do the bidding of one individual irrespective of that individual's status in Ghana. The law is no respecter of persons.

Kofi Boakye and Joseph Yammin have despatched heavily armed police personnel and military to Kumawuman. These security personnel are beating and arresting people, destroying properties, in Kumawu and Wonoo, all in attempts of propping the position of that fake chief (Barimah Sarfo Tweneboah Koduah) that Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, has imposed on Kumawu.

By being that biased and unprofessional, should a future credible government that decides to purge the security force of unprofessionalism be blamed when it attempts to sack him? When people are at times compelled to suffer the consequences of their irresponsible criminal acts, they hide behind the banner of political party or tribe to spew trash.

Kofi Boakye and Co., it is not an offence for a traditional area to have two chiefs. Tuobodom in the Brong-Ahafo has two and Accra for many years had two until the death of Ga Mantse, Nii Tackie Tawiah III. What is Asantehene's problem if Kumawuman citizens choose to appoint a genuine royal in whom they are well pleased to lead them?

God is watching and He will act decisively to silence all those thwarting His wishes in one way or the other.

Stay tuned for more info. Refer to YouTube to view the video titled, "Asantehene involves in corruption" and the other titled, "Barima Tweneboa Koduah V celebrates akwasidee". I may be in the studio of Sources radio UK online on either Tuesday 27 January 2015 or Wednesday 28 January 2015 from 16:00 onwards.

Rockson Adofo