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Opinions of Thursday, 9 November 2023

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

Did NPP break their internal policy during their just ended flag bearer election – Yes, or No?

New Patriotic Party (NPP) New Patriotic Party (NPP)

On Wednesday, November 8, 2023, in the morning news, Okay FM programme presenter/host Kwame Nkrumah Tekesiε, posed to Bernard Antwi Boasiako aka Chairman Wontumi the question, “Did NPP break their internal policy during their flag bearer election to favour any one particular person?”

Kwame Nkrumah had demanded a yes or no answer to the question. However, the sly Chairman Wontumi asked him to refer to Acts 2:42 which reads, "They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and prayer”.

When the verse was read, Wontumi said, “Yes, we were all devoted to Dr. Alhaji Mahamudu Bawumia”, without answering the question. This is absolutely rubbish on his part and very nonsensical on the part of the NPP leadership.

Yes, they broke their internal policy, pure as!

The NPP party leaders from the National Chairman, and National Secretary through to regional, constituency and district leaders and the Sector Ministers and members of parliament, teamed up to break the party’s written rules and regulations. They did so to favour one individual in the person of Dr. Alhaji Mahamudu Bawumia.

The party’s rules and regulations bar them from open declaration of support by the leaders for any individual since their vote must remain secret. However, for all stupid reasons and their penchant for corruption, they saw it fit breaking the rules and regulations of the party etched in stone to favour one individual they think will look the other way when they continue to indulge in their malpractices to enrich themselves.

The NPP leadership think they have the right to rewrite or breach the party’s rules as and when they like. Who bequeathed that right to them if I may ask?

A political party that prides itself as the champion of democracy, respecting the rule of law, is nevertheless, the same party indulging in the daylight breaking of the laws with arrogance and impudence.

I hope Dr. Bawumia will not be seen as a soft touch, thus a puppet, for these southern rogues to do whatever they want to weaken his administration if he wins the presidential election of December 2024.

I am sure Dr. Bawumia will fight galamsey with all the efforts, time, and resources it takes, starting from the members of NPP that are allegedly neck-deep in galamsey activities, for example, Chairman Wontumi.

Our water bodies, forests and fertile/arable lands have come under the heavy axe of devastation because of illegal small-scale and alluvial mining. We should save the mentioned elements of life from destruction.

Is there any discerning person in NPP who can tell me that the internal policy of NPP was not broken to favour one individual during the just-ended flag bearer election?

Rockson Adofo, the proud and fearless and no-nonsense son of Kumawu/Asiampa is watching if Dr. Bawumia will give the rogues in NPP the free licence to do whatever they like, taking him for a weakling. He had better start to assert his authority and come out with his policies now that he has genuinely or otherwise, been elected the flag bearer-cum-presidential-candidate of NPP.

He should come out of the shadow of President Nana Akufo-Addo, and select his men and women to start his campaign for election 2024. Much as I support him, I will express my views, pass constructive criticisms, and offer suggestions and advice as and when I deem fit.