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Opinions of Tuesday, 10 May 2005

Columnist: Appiah-Danquah, Kufuor

Difficult Times ? Keep faith with the President

Tomorrow the electorate in UK will use their ?kokromite? power either to reject our Party (Labour) or put us back in the driving seat for the next 4/5years. In our own motherland just over 5months ago our people decided to re-elect the NPP under President Kufuor and to entrust the running of the country into the caring hands of the President.

For good measure, Ama Benyiwa Doe was soundly beaten in her own backyard. The Gomoa electorate (most sensible in the world) deserves an award for voting sensibly and wisely. I salute you constituents of Ama Benyiwa Doe. Although the league of gentlemen/women (opposition groupings) lost the battle for the soul and minds of the people of Ghana in December 2004 there are determined to use ?tagashi? to get the government to change its policies.

I am not sure whether the CJA organizers have informed their ground troopers that no matter how much cedis they spend on their bus and coach fares traveling round the country the fuel price hikes is irreversible and it will go hand in hand with the deregulation of the petroleum sector. The President did not wake up one morning and decided to increase the price of petroleum it was simply unavoidable. If the CJA wants to have any impact or gain any widespread support they must work hand in hand with the Government to find a lasting solution to the plight of the street hawkers and maybe assist in some of the clean ups of Accra ? that will count in my books as productive time.

Alternatively, all well meaning Ghanaians and this includes some members of the CJA must wake up and work with Government/Organized labour/business sector to create a unifying vision for our country not the continous call of disunity, preaching of class/tribal hate and attempts to discredit the President..

The call by the firebrand of the CJA for the President to resign and hand over to Tony Aidoo is in my opinion a reasonable call. I have no qualms with Tony or Ama Benyiwa standing as President and getting elected ? Ghana is a free and democratic country. I have some friends at Maamobi who have expressed similar views and I wish them well. In the meantime till we meet on the campaigning turfs in 2008, Tony/Ama and other good friends have a drink on me at Friday?s I will pay my bills it when I am around.

In the meantime, John Kufuor will rule for another 3 and half years(the expressed wish of the Ghanaian electorate) retire to Nkawie where he is loved by all , enjoy some good fufuo and goat soup and allow Tony/Ama to sort out their party nomination.

Difficult times

However, this may sound like music to the ears of Tony/Ama, Our country is going through difficult times, but this President is committed and dedicated to rebuilding our economy, deepening our country?s democracy, creating a peaceful, prosperous and humane society and ensuring a transparent form of government. True democrats are prepared to accept their shortfalls and learn from their mistakes.

Moreover, it is healthy in a democratic system to disagree over polices and implementation of hard decisions but the opposition parties are living in cloud cuckoo land if they think they can tag the perennial problems of poverty and underdevelopment to this administration. My message to the opposition parties is you aint seen nothing yet.

You aint seen nothing yet

The NPP under President Kufuor will get its act together and send a positive message to the electorate- it will pursue ?people friendly socio economic policies which will see lives of ordinary Ghanaians being transformed. The rural economy is to going to be revived big time with possible funds from MCA and Ghanaians will willingly troop back to the rural areas. The President and his party are going through a difficult patch but that will pass as he will retreat and recharge his batteries and hit the road with a bang. The new slogan will be Kufuor nie adwuma nie (jobs).

Opportunism and sheer bloody mindedness will not win votes. The bye-election victory was won by the NDC because the people were disgruntled on the petrol price increase and its effect on inflation. Tomorrow the electorate in UK may elect labour on a reduce majority not because the opposition parties are hurling insults at Labour they have alternative polices. It is high time this CJA/Walhalla marches is called off, as their aim is to destabilize and create chaos. Their demands like a spoilt school child will not be met, as the petroleum price increase is non-negotiable.

No matter how one describes it our honeymoon period is over. Our country faces a lot of challenges but now is not the time to lose our resolve ? the future is bright, let us keep our faith in our elected President.

God Bless

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