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Opinions of Sunday, 15 February 2015

Columnist: Ghana Evangelical Society

Divine intervention -Volta dam will be filled

The Lord God of Host has declared that He is going to fill the Volta Dam with water again to save the people of Ghana from the suffering, pain and woes resulting from the “Dumsor Dumsor” episode and related matters.
He is doing this mainly for the sake of the large population of poor, weak and needy people of the country, and the ordinary citizens of the land who constitute over 70% of the population lest they lose confidence, trust and faith in Him as God and perish.
He is seeing and hearing the unceasing agonizing cries of the poor, needy and weak as well as the challenges being faced by the ordinary citizens of the land. He will arrest the situation primarily for their sake. His love, mercy and concern over the affairs of Ghana as His chosen nation and people will stand. He remains God for ever and ever. Amen!
We make this declaration further to the December 2014 Divine Declaration concerning THE NEW GHANA OF DIVINE HERITAGE of GLORY. That Ghana has entered the Promised Land as chosen nation and people of God’s inheritance and Destined Glory in the Kingdom of God in Africa and the world.
That Ghana will witness a Divine Grace of 30-Year period (2015-2045) of non-interrupted Divine Glory beginning from Year 2015, the Year of Glory.
Be it known that the Divine Declaration has been made through the Rev. Prof. Enoch Immanuel Amanor Agbozo, servant of the Most High God, Leader of the Ghana Evangelical Society.

Issued by The Ghana Evangelical Society
Thursday, February 12, 2015
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