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Opinions of Sunday, 16 September 2012

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Do we accept the Ignorance of the NDC for Facts?

I have persistently been wondering if at all the NDC in their majority do respect Ghanaians and their mandate to rule Ghana. From their pronouncements, actions and pursuits, I doubt how credible the NDC as a party, government and people are, to implement any worthwhile policies in Ghana to better the lives of many.

My late father, like many other intelligent people, did warn me against the repercussions of washing my dirty linen in public. It is not only unethical but completely an obscenity how the NDC have continually been conducting themselves in both public and private ever since they came to power. The leaders of NDC overlooked the rampant acts of lawlessness that became the order of the day within the first year of their ascendency to power. Mr. Victor Smith, the current Minister of Eastern Region, was at the forefront leading macho men and rogues to seize cars and inflict needless pain on many innocent Ghanaians. The so-called NDC foot soldiers were all over the place molesting people, shutting down offices, seizing public toilets and in some instances killing people all with impunity.

The list of committed crimes against Ghanaians by the NDC is so long that I may not have time and space to enumerate them here today. However, I will comment on their “can’t do” and “it’s not possible” despicable resignation to fate attitudes. The NDC have not been able to implement any major life-changing socio-economic policy in Ghana since they took over power of governance from the NPP in January 2009. All their implemented and achievable policies as far as I know are fiendish – conniving to steal from Ghana through fraudulent judgment debt payments. Their leaders (Presidents) as visionless as they seem, are content with cutting sods to open public toilet facilities, three to six-room school blocks, water boreholes and other such insignificant things as achievement of major policies. How politically and economically naive they can be?

Nana Dankwah “Obuggie” Akuffo-Addo comes along with his astronomical vision of acquiring Ghanaians free education to a certain level, thus, the Senior Secondary School. The “can’t do” aimless NDC, but holders of Masters and PhD degrees in the Science of Thievery, come along bleating deafeningly into our ears, “it’s not possible, he can’t do it”. Nevertheless, the NDC have no alternative policies in place to develop the human resources of Ghana to meet the current global demands of the workforce.

Some NDC people depict utter ignorance when they share views on Nana “Obuggie” Akuffo-Addo’s educational policies. I find it very disgracing and nonsensical when they say, “we have so many unemployed University graduates already in the system so what the heck does he want to churn out more with his free education instead of concentrating on securing jobs for those roaming about without jobs”. To the NDC, it is not worth educating more Ghanaians so that the uneducated ones will either go into farming, or always stay to do menial jobs at the call and beck of the few educated ones. What a depiction of utter ignorance, cruelty and abuse of authority by the NDC.

For the fact of willing to stay in power, the NDC are all out like a pride of lions hunting their prey. Why cannot they allow their good job, “Better Ghana Agenda” if indeed it has succeeded as they claim, to catapult them into second term of office without resorting to deadly propaganda and connivance with the old crook, the Electoral Commissioner?

The NDC are on top of the hills shouting out their achievements which echo in the valleys of say, Seikwa, Drobonso and Lower Manya Krobo. If their achievements are better enough and sounds well in the ears of Ghanaians, why should their National Organizer, Yaw Boateng Gyan, diabolically plan to proceed on secret warpath against those of us not sharing the ideals of the NDC?

Under my adorable Nana “Obuggie” Akuffo-Addo, there will be no more the practice of double standards in administering justice to Ghanaians. There will be no more selective justice of “causing fear, panic and alarm” as it is under the current NDC administration.

The ND is just being ignorant without knowing. With all their gargantuan stinking corruption, they have the shameless audacity to ask Ghanaians to offer them a second term in office. What a slap in the face.

All those babies with sharp teeth in the NDC will be held to account for their stewardship. They will vomit the money they are gulping down their already distended bellies. They should take it from Rockson that they can run but they cannot hide.

I call on all my fellow Ghanaians worldwide to help chase out the ignorant, aimless, shameless and visionless NDC from power come December 7, 2012. They have nothing good for Ghanaians but misery.

Join me to welcome my friend and adorable Assin Fosu North MP (Kennedy Akompreko Agyapong) and Nana Akomeah to a mammoth meeting of discerning Ghanaians at Wood Green in London on Saturday 22nd September 2012. If all Ghana MPs were like Kennedy, there would not be this major poverty and misery as we are seeing in Ghana at the moment. Bravo to Ken Agyapong!

Over to my favourite radio FM station in the UK, Sources radio UK FM 96.30. You can tune in to Sources radio online via

Rockson Adofo