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Opinions of Thursday, 26 January 2012

Columnist: The Informer

Does Charles Takyi-Boadu Think He Has The Capacity To Destroy The NDC?


Charles Takyi-Boadu, the newest lapdog for Gina and Freddie Blay, must be living in a world of dreams and deluding himself into believing that he has what it takes to destroy the NDC.
A rather fine gentleman when he was working with The Chronicle, Charles Takyi-Boadu has become a personification of everything bad and stinking about journalism.
Charles Takyi-Boadu is the one that Gina Blay and Freddie Blay have put on the NDC to manufacture and churn out outright lies.
Charles Takyi-Boadu is the new kid on the block, who must write and say nasty things about no less a person than the President of the Republic.
As if his by-line means nothing to him, he writes all his fairytales with glee and gusto.
Most recently, Charles Takyi-Boadu lied to the whole world that he had interviewed Mr. Martin Amidu in the wake of the latter being asked to drop his tools.
In the said fairytale, Charles Takyi-Boadu created the false impression that Martin Amidu threatened to “spill the beans” if he is pushed to the wall.
How funny!!!
Which beans?
The truth of the matter is that there are no beans to be spilt.
If there is anything to be spilt; it is the dead brain cells of Charles Takyi-Boadu, which can be reassembled to make his head work better.
The truth of the matter is that, Martin Amidu told Charles Takyi-Boadu not to push him to the wall, lest he pours his heat on the Daily Guide.
Charles Takyi-Boadu, in his infantile mind, thought that he could push Martin Amidu to the wall for the latter to speak and create confusion within the NDC.
When Martin Amidu refused to fall for the bait, Charles Takyi-Boadu kept asking foolish questions; and that is what compelled Martin Amidu to tell Gina Blay’s poodle not to push him to the wall lest he pours his anger on The Daily Guide.
What Charles Takyi-Boadu does not know is that; many have done the stinking hatchet job that he is doing now; and they did not ‘survive’.
Yes, many people did what Charles Takyi-Boadu is doing but they did not survive.
Is it not a shame that Charles Takyi-Boadu turns himself into an object of scorn, when he had the rare opportunity to question the President during the recent media encounter at the Castle?
Out of the over hundred journalists present, Charles got a rare opportunity, but asked the President if he was suffering from cancer.
How foolish!
If Charles wants to know if somebody is suffering from cancer, why does he not ask his boss Gina Blay?
If Charles Takyi-Boadu is looking for cancer patients, why does he not take a close look at Gina Blay and Freddie Blay?
Does Charles Takyi-Boadu think we do not know what is happening at The Daily Guide?
Can Charles Takyi-Boadu tell us where Gabby Asare-Otchere Darko is?
Does Charles Takyi-Boadu think we don’t know that Akufo-Addo sneaks out of town every now and then to go for medical treatment in London?
We are not fools, and so we will not say all the things that we know.
Is Charles Takyi-Boadu more interested in cancer patients than in media houses that become safe heavens for homosexual and paedophiles?
It was interesting hearing Charles Takyi-Boadu say after the media encounter that he was not allowed to ask other questions.
How foolish!!
When you have the opportunity to ask a single question, and you ask a foolish question, why should you be given the opportunity to ask another foolish question?
The President is not in the business of answering foolish questions; he is in the business of answering intelligent questions.
Watching Charles Takyi-Boadu on TV, his body language exposes him as a senseless agent who was just doing the bidding of his paymasters.
Does Charles Takyi-Boadu not know a certain Baby Ansabah also known as Ato Sam, who was thrown out of The Daily Guide after spending years doing the dirty work for Gina Blay and Freddie Blay?
Is it not under the watch of the NDC that Baby Ansabah is living a decent life today?
Under the watch of NPP, Gina Blay and Freddie Blay, was Baby Ansabah not one of the least respected journalists in Ghana?
Have the likes of Fortune Alimi and A.R Gomda not slowed down?
Charles Takyi-Boadu should ask Fortune Alimi and A.R. Gomda why they have decided to no longer do the dirty work for Gina Blay and Freddie Blay.
Has Halifax Ansah Addo not also slowed down after his initial attempt to be the hit-man for Gina Blay and Freddie Blay?
So if those who were there before he arrived, have taken a wise decision not to continue to do any dirty job for Gina Blay and Freddie Blay, why is Charles Takyi-Boadu so much in hurry to become the most insulted, disrespected, disliked, and disgraceful journalist in Ghana?
Is it not the case that Charles Takyi-Boadu got married recently?
Does he want his wife to be walking around with people pointing fingers at her?
Nobody is forcing Charles Takyi-Boadu to love President Atta Mills and the NDC; all we are saying is that, he is gradually becoming a disgrace to the journalism profession and gradually becoming the Baby Ansabah of Daily Guide.
As for those of us on The Informer, we think that Charles Takyi-Boadu has what it takes to become a fine and level-headed journalist.
But if the young-man chooses to mortgage his conscience and family name to Gina and Freddie Blay, and succeeds in receiving the Order of the Vulture award (an award that was incidentally instituted by Gina Blay’s Daily Guide), for being the most disgraceful and stinking journalist in Ghana, that is his own cup of tea.
The Informer has spoken; if Charles Takyi-Boadu has ears, let him hear ooooo!!!
And if Charles Takyi-Boadu thinks he has the capacity to bring down the Atta Mills Administration, he may end up walking half-naked around Asylum Down and talking to himself because not even Hercules can take up such a task.
Charles Takyi-Boadu, The Informer has given you free advice; take it or leave it!!!