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Opinions of Tuesday, 18 October 2022

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

Does it matter which lawyers defend Aisha Huang in court if the law works?

Aisha Huang Aisha Huang

Many a Ghanaian is greatly perturbed seeing the rightly or wrongly perceived New Patriotic Party (NPP)-supporting lawyers take on the defence of the notorious Chinese galamsey kingpin, Aisha Huang, in her arraignment. Aisha Huang, currently the imposter Huang En, is being prosecuted for illegal re-entry into Ghana to exercise illegal surface and alluvial mining, otherwise called galamsey.

The public must note that she was repatriated from Ghana to her country of origin, China, for the same stubborn involvement in galamsey when it was declared banned by the president of Ghana.

She is one individual foreigner who has been able to hold Ghana to ransom. She has intransigently defied the ban placed on galamsey as announced by His Excellency the President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.

She has absolutely no respect for the president and Ghanaians. This is because she is alleged to hold naked sex videos of some powerful Ghanaian government ministers, top military and police personnel, and probably, traditional overlords. These overly promiscuous Ghanaian leaders who craved, or fantasised, enjoying Chinese vagina presumed to be as tight and tiny as their squinted eyes, have fallen into the trap laid by Aisha Huang.

I am not being vulgar here but writing and saying it as it should.

By this stupid mentality of the Ghanaian leaders, getting themselves hooked on to their goat-like animalistic sexual instincts, this crafty young Chinese lady has been able to gather volumes of naked live sexual videos of them bonking Chinese young ladies.

She is using the videos as trump cards to silence these leaders who, unfortunately, possess the power to cause Ghana to make, or break. These are the very leaders who have foolishly got themselves entangled in the Chinese sexual ensnarement.

With the threats of making the videos public in what amounts to blackmailing, and extortion, the leaders have ended up with their fingers in her tiny Chinese mouth.

The leaders are left to watch as though, they are highly inhibited-cum-debilitated persons incapable of doing anything but letting this cunning Chinese female get on with whatever she wants in Ghana. However, she is understandably heartlessly wreaking unprecedented and irredeemable damage to the nation’s water bodies, fertile and arable lands, and forests.

Should the rest of us Ghanaians, continue to sit on the fence doing nothing while these useless womanising and insatiably greedy leaders and men in high positions, directly or indirectly, assist the Chinese to cause such extensive damage to the nation’s ecology at the very expense of our survival as a people and a nation? The answer is a NO!

An Akan proverb says, “If the goat causes any damage, it pays with its body”, to wit, anyone is responsible for their actions and must solely bear the consequences. Therefore, why should the entire country suffer for the repercussions or adverse consequences of the affected leaders’ libidinal impulses or enjoyment?

Why should the frog suffer sweating when it is rather the lizard that has eaten the hot pepper? Is it right?

Going back to the main topic, if the laws worked in Ghana as they work in many prosperous Western countries, who cares about the types of lawyers Aisha Huang aka Huang En, employs, whether they are NPP, NDC, or CPP members?

Should we continue to assume that the fact she has engaged known top NPP members who are lawyers, she stands to win the case, having re-entered the country illegally while banished from Ghana? Mind you, she was caught possessing a second identity, “Huang En”, making her an imposter. She was again caught engaged in the same illegal surface and alluvial mining for which she was deported to her native country, China.

If Aisha Huang aka Huang En is not speedily prosecuted, imprisoned, and finally deported to China, then it will go to confirm that the law in Ghana is a respecter of persons, contrary to the legal dictum, “the law is no respecter of persons”.

Whether NPP lawyers are defending her or not, in my candid opinion, Aisha Huang has breached Ghana laws. I don’t need any fool to come and tell me otherwise.

Why are the Chinese taking Ghanaians and Africans for fools? Why should we sit down doing nothing while they spoil our country for us? Is it because of their soft loans to us which ends up embezzled by our insatiably greedy, selfish, and womanising leaders?

To hell with such leaders and their Chinese accomplices like Aisha Huang aka Huang En.

If she is married to a Ghanaian and she has broken our laws, prosecute, sentence, and jail her, followed by deportation to her country of birth, China.

If any Ghanaian or African had done what she is doing in Ghana in China that person will be all rotten bones by name. They would have given him or her a close-range firing squad! This is an undeniable fact!

Those useless leaders must zip up their trousers a bit. Their many Ghanaian girlfriends are not sufficient for them hence looking afield for Chinese women.

Shame on our leaders who are facilitating the chances of the Chinese taking over Ghana for all bad reasons.

Weed out all the usual unnecessary postponements during the trial of Aisha Huang aka Huang En. Expedite her trial to give a bit of credibility to the Ghana legal system.

This publication comes to you from Rockson Adofo, the proud and fearless son of Kumawu/Asiampa soil who is overflowing with a fountain of wisdom that he who likes can come to drink from it free of charge any day any time.