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Opinions of Saturday, 13 January 2007

Columnist: Tagoe, Naa Okailey

Domestic Violence - A national Issue that deserves attention

The women caucus in Parliament have not rested on their oars when issues such as these are brought before the House. Domestic violence is a critical issue that deserves all the attention because it negativity out weighs it positive sides if any at all. Whereas victims of domestic violence are traumatized and have low self esteem, depression sets in as well thereby causing the victims to be withdrawn in social circles. Due to this, he or she is labelled as anti social person and they also develop very low self esteem which affects their output level at work and in the long run reflects in the over all social and economic wellbeing. Domestic violence means engaging in the following within the context of a previous or existing domestic relationship,

(a) physical abuse

(b) sexual abuse

(c) economic abuse

(d) emotional, verbal or physical etc.

Since women are perceived as the weaker sex a lot of physical abuse are mentored on them, it very disheartening to see a husband beating his wife just because she was not able to prepare the kind of meal he requested. Sometimes, very serious injuries are caused which leaves scars on the beautiful woman that he married. Sexual abuse is a very severe type of domestic violence because men do worst things when it comes to sex. In a programme that I watched on television a month ago, a husband battered his wife just because she did not allow him to make love to her and in the process she lost an arm.

The criminalization of the domestic violence under the Criminal Code 1960 (Act 29) has its shortcomings. The Code criminalizes assault and battery, incest, rape and defilement of a child, of less than six years. The code also provides for protection against customary practices which demean the quality of human life such as widowhood rites and early customary marriage. Customary servitude and female genital mutilation are offences under the Code. Yet other areas of domestic violence are ignored in this Criminal Code.

A law is formally known as an Act of Parliament. Before any government policy becomes law, it must first be written out as a Bill, or draft Act. Members of Parliament and members discuss the Bill and suggest changes in Parliament before a Bill becomes law. A Bill has to pass through many different stages in Parliament before it can be given Presidential Assent and pass into law. The Domestic Violence Act was earlier this year put before Parliament and it has been through the 1st Reading and it is now at the 2nd Reading Stage after which it would go through the Consideration Stage.

As we all know in a society like ours, girls are trained to always be submissive to men and they grow up with that mentality which does not in any way make them feel that they can do what men do and even do them better. Domestic violence which affects mostly women and children is being given the maximum attention by this government and it should be awarded the kind of attention it deserves.

It is my greatest wish that this bill is passed into law as soon as possible since women and children suffer most when it comes to issues like this. The nation needs women to take up leadership positions and the women would only do that when society encourages them and their rights are not trampled upon. There is this saying that men and women are equal and if that is what it is then it should be seen as such.

Naa Okailey Tagoe
Awoshie - Accra

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