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Opinions of Sunday, 28 April 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Don't Blame Dr. Afari Gyan but the Satan in Him for the………

From empirical observations as evidentially manifested lately, Dr Kwadwo Afari Gyan allowed obstinacy to possess the better side of him. Obstinacy is an effective weapon among the arsenal of the Devil. When one becomes possessed by the Evil One, he parts with this particular weapon to him or her, thus, the possessed, to wield it against their own compatriots.

"Obstinacy is the cause of the horns of the hornbill" (Se antie enne onwan atik3p3), the wise men say. Dr. Afari Gyan, as obstinate, pompous and mischievous as he is, Satan found in him the perfect qualities or match needed to become his agent to inflict untold hardships and worries on Ghanaians. As Satan always comes to steal, kill and spoil, he stole the mind, the heart and the soul of Dr. Afari Gyan. Satan is in the process of killing and then spoiling him.

All the good people in Ghana including chiefs, pastors, imams etc, prior to the elections, prevailed upon Dr Kwadwo Afari Gyan to cease doing certain things they felt would potentially mar the credibility of Election 2012. Nonetheless, as obstinate as he was and has always been, he snubbed them.

However, he could not go far. The Devil just used him and has almost dumped him. He has now not only to battle with protecting his integrity but also, a court case which is likely to see his arse off to jail if he is proven to have deliberately rigged the elections in favour of President John Dramani Mahama.

The Devil through that shameless bunch of corrupt entities in the NDC party enticed the Chairman of the Electoral Commission, Dr Kwadwo Afari Gyan, to do the unthinkable. He was lured with the bait of possible financial inducement; money, the root cause of all evil. He flatly fell for it. He ignored all sensible advice that would have restrained him from abusing his powers as he has done.

He is now in a total mess, disgraced beyond redemption. Nevertheless, I will admonish he confronts the devil within him head-on, come out to admit his mistakes publicly.

The Devil had wished to use Dr Afari Gyan to have thieves, lawless and clueless persons at the helm of the nation's affairs but God has a different agenda for Ghanaians. He has a better plan and a purpose not only for Ghana but the entire African continent. Counting every misfortune as a blessing, what the Devil would have gained by Afari Gyan rigging the election for John Mahama shall turn into something differently bigger to benefit the whole of Africa.

GOD has decreed that President Mahama will be forced out of power for having benefited from electoral violations to be where he currently is. When this is done, it will resonate throughout Africa that any incumbent leader that rigs election with intention to abusively stay in power longer than it is necessary will be forced out by going "Ghana way". When this sense of fear is instilled in African leaders, their usual obnoxious propensity to steal to enrich themselves will curtail if not ceased outright.

God has revealed to many people that election 2012 was rigged in favour of John Mahama. God has then prescribed a remedy for curing that disease of rigging. He has instructed that NPP Faithful and discerning Ghanaians remain RESOLUTE behind the good cause in pursuance by Nana Akufo Addo and Co. to ensure the reality of Election 2012 results and declaration. God's determination to turn Mahama's tables upside down is against the backdrop of there being collusive rigging when Kwadwo Afari Gyan was duly possessed by the Devil.

Kwadwo Afari Gyan is now waking up to the damage he has caused Mother Ghana and her children. He will cough up any bribe that he might have taken to bring about such a curse upon Ghana. John Mahama is a curse. If he was not, how would he preside over an administration that has mismanaged Ghana through embezzlement and pure corruption thereby forcing the country on to her knees socially and economically? A president that has eaten all the meat to the bone is a curse, an anathema of course.

I do not hate Kwadwo Afari Gyan as a human being but his corrupt practices, stubbornness and short-sightedness. Will Afari Gyan throw in the towel without wasting anyone's time and resources any further? Election 2012 was heavily pregnant with violations; having been impregnated by Kwadwo Afari Gyan.

God is still in control to force President John Mahama out of power within the next two to three months no matter the amount of delay tactics employed by the Counsels of John Mahama, the Electoral Commission and the NDC. Amen.

Rockson Adofo