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Opinions of Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Don't Blame President Mahama

.....for Predicting the Outcome of the Supreme Court Case

President Mahama is feeling the heat of rejection without anyone to comfort him but himself. On the surface, all seems well with him but deep down the bottom, he is a worried person. He constantly suffers sleepless nights. A hurricane is gathering in his own oceanic NDC party to chuck him out as the leader of the party in the near future. Most of his party members find him too clueless to be able to chalk any political, economic and social gains for the party, let alone Ghana. President Mahama's lack of purposefulness has strengthened the secret resolve by some NDC gurus to have him replaced without hesitation at any earliest opportunity.

In order not to feel too much dejected, President Mahama has sought to reassure his poor soul saying, election 2012 was free, fair and transparent and that he cleanly and fairly won it. He further said the Supreme Court judges will soon reconfirm how he won the election without any resort to statutory violations. His statement is a sign of a desperate person's self-reassurance of avid of power. He is clutching on to straw while being washed away by a fast flowing dangerous river. The Supreme Court case is rather that dangerous river haplessly carrying him away into the land of oblivion.

Nobody, I say neither NPP nor any discerning Ghanaian should have qualms about a diagnosed terminally ill person trying to enjoy his last days on earth through false self-assurances of living into perpetuity. This is exactly what President Mahama, a certified corrupt person is doing. He may not have personally rigged the election but Dr Kwadwo Afari Gyan, the Chair of the Electoral Commission and the NDC did rig it for him. No, Mahama must have been aware of, if not a participant in, any ongoing "kuluulu" (ambiguities) that saw him declared the president-elect in election 2012 and subsequently, sworn in as the President of the Republic of Ghana.

Do you quarrel with a person who tickles himself and laugh? Is it not his prerogative to say and do things that will comfort his poor dying soul provided such pronouncements and things do not infringe any known statutes?

He can predict the outcome of the court case in his favour but it will simply be a situation of "Man proposes God disposes". His predictions, propositions and expectations are not in line with God's plans for Ghana and Africa at this stage. God is rescuing Ghana and Africa from abuse of incumbency by our myopic, corrupt and lawless leaders. Therefore, as long as Mahama has exhibited any of those abusive corruptible acts, God has denied him and that will be confirmed by the Supreme Court judges.

No Supreme Court judge can take bribe to pervert the course of justice in the ongoing election 2012 case without incurring the wrath of God. Let there be justice! The whole world is watching the court proceedings live on television and on the internet thanks to the timely intervention by the Chief Justice, Madam Theodora Georgina Wood.

Let those that have ears, listen to what the Spirit is saying. The NPP have only to be RESOLUTE as revealed to Kofi Basoah in a dream by God. I rest my case.

I dedicate this article to Yaw Poulous, Agyemang Prempeh, Charles Donkor and William Niamah, former students of T.K.S.S.

Rockson Adofo