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Opinions of Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Don’t Deceive Yourself for Your Reign is Galloping to an End! - Kumawuhene

Why do some people find it very difficult to face facts? Why are they not able to interpret the signs and seasons when they become so conspicuously indicated across the sky? Is it just because they purposely want to deceive themselves by behaving otherwise, or it is all about the fact that they do not know or they do not understand the signs and the seasons?

It is well said by the Akans that "if you are not designated by God to be a King and you force yourself to wear a kingly crown, nobody will serve you". This has become the fate of the alleged Kumawuhene Barimah Sarfo Tweneboah Koduah. He was imposed on Kumawuman as their Omanhene through proven collusion by Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, Kumawuhemaa Abenaa Serwaah Amponsah and the Asanteman Council of Prominent Chiefs.

For the fact that he was not anointed by God to lead Kumawuman as their paramount chief, about 95% of the citizens of Kumawuman worldwide have rejected him in their hearts as their traditional leader. When he attends any public gathering anywhere in Kumawuman, almost nobody, except his few Apebiakyere sympathisers do attend. When he attends someone's funeral, as soon as he puts his foot in the funeral ground, about 75% of the mourners and well-wishers leave the place hence people teasing him as " Nana Ogu agor3" or "Nana Ogu ayie"

Is this way of him being snubbed by the public not enough to tell him they do not want him as their paramount chief?

No Kumawuhene has ever become the stooge of Asantehene except Dr Yaw Sarfo, the alleged Kumawuhene Barimah Sarfo Tweneboah Koduah. From some of his videos posted on YouTube and the letter he wrote to notify DCOP Nathan Kofi Boakye about his traditionally fallacious destoolment of some Kumawu sub-chiefs, one could ascertain his overly subservience to Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II. It is a disgrace to Kumawuman to have such a puppet who is 100% at the manipulative mercy of Asantehene as their Omanhene. His actions do belittle the status of Kumawu within Asanteman.

He is not knowledgeable about Kumawu history hence stooping too low to Asantehene and his requests instead of standing up to him.

The above unbefitting attitudes so far demonstrated by Barimah Sarfo Tweneboah Koduah, the alleged Kumawuhene, are all because he was not anointed by God to be Kumawuhene. Therefore, he has not the mojo to rule Kumawuman. This is just by the way.

He recently lost a court case instituted against him for illegally destooling some Kumawu sub-chiefs who have since been reinstated.

He has appealed against the court verdict that quashed his seeming irrational decision to destool five Kumawu sub-chiefs namely, Bodweasehene (deceased), Aduanahene, Akwamuhene, Akyempemhene and Nsumankwaahene about a year ago.

Yes, he has the right like any other person who feels not satisfied with a declaration of court verdict against them, to appeal. Subsequently, he has lodged an appeal against the verdict. However, he is to bear in mind that the credible evidence and facts available weigh lopsidedly against him.

Did he follow the proper conventional and constitutional procedures to destool them? Were they constrained by law to not attend Dr Yaw Sarfo's swearing-in as the Kumauhene-elect? If they were, could they be held responsible and hence punishable for not attending his illegal swearing-in as Kumawuhene-elect? Has Asantehene the right to order for the destoolment of Kumawu sub-chiefs and on the grounds as specified in the letter Kumawu Traditional Council wrote to DCOP Nathan Kofi Boakye at the behest of Barimah Sarfo Tweneboah Koduah?

A true form copy of the said letter could be found on Modernghana using the following web link

Are the few questions asked, coupled with the recent exposure of judicial corruption in Ghana by Anas Aremeyaw Anas not portend the end of Barimah Sarfo Tweneboah Koduah's reign as the alleged Kumawuhene?

It is my prayer that he will be able to interpret the signs and seasons to understand that his fake reign as Kumawuhene is drawing to an end in a crescendo.

He should not allow some people to deceive him for in the end, such people will abandon him in the same way as the disciples of Jesus in the heat of His capture and death, did abandon Him. Therefore, he should not allow one Kumawu greenhorn journalist residing in America who boasts of having written a book or two on Kumawu history to fool him. His book of which I have a copy, and of which he proudly claims to have been sanctioned by Barimah Asumadu Sakyi II, the late Kumawuhene, is simply fatuous.

To me, the said book is more of a history booklet than a real book. It is inundated with historical inaccuracies.

If such a person is supportive of Dr Yaw Sarfo, how well is he supported? What sort of advice can he give to him? What a situation of a blind man leading another blind person! Will both not fall into a pit?

The signs are boldly written on the wall indicating the fall of the reign of Barimah Sarfo Tweneboah Koduah (Dr Yaw Sarfo in his private life). He, who has ears, let him hear what Rockson Adofo from his overflowing fountain of wisdom is announcing to the public today, Sunday 17 January 2016.

It is my hope that God will touch the hearts of the advisors and the Spokesperson for Barimah Sarfo Tweneboah Koduah to tell him the truth he needs to know or hear but not the false sweet words he wants to hear. Once he gets the true picture of the direction the Kumawu chieftaincy dispute is going, he can advise himself accordingly; either to quit or to wait to be pushed.

Does Jesus not tell us in the bible that a house divided against itself shall not stand? Is a greater part of his own Ankaase royal family not against him? Does he understand why his own family is divided against him? It is all because he is not the God's chosen one to rule Kumawu at this particular time.

I dedicate this publication to Nana Akua Serwaah, Paa Agyei, Akwasi Sarpong and Kofi Dadzie (deceased).

Rockson Adofo