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Opinions of Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Columnist: Agyemang, Frank

Don’t Police also have rights?

It’s been a week or more when three cops were shot and killed in separate scenarios in the line of duty. Human rights activists have been surprisingly mute over this unfortunate incidence; possibly they are yet to notice the trend. Isn’t it worrying that when armed robbers are killed in gun battles with the police a number of human rights activists become very active in condemning the action of the police? These activist are able to advocate rights of these murderous robbers to the extent that we are sometimes tempted to ignore the fact that the police too have right to life and are expected to defend themselves when attacked by armed gangs. Let’s not forget that some of these police officers are our relatives and friends.

For now, it’s obvious that the radar of these human rights groups doesn’t capture police deaths in line of duty, all we think here is that, after all the police duty is to protect human life and property.

I am therefore using this platform to suggest that like-minded people come together for the formation of Police Right Activists (PRA), a group that will bring to fore the challenges our uniformed officers encounter and seek for assistance to promote their interest. We cannot leave this to the Public Relations Department of the Police Service alone. Let’s get together for this worthy cause.

Frank Agyemang [email protected]