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Opinions of Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Don’t Underestimate the Intelligence of Kumawu Citizens

– Asanteman Told ? I have just been reminded of the saying, "Charity begins at home", although ironically. The person drawing my attention to this proverb said, "The backyard of your house is burning, yet like an ostrich, you have ignored it to bury your head in the sand. While the chieftaincy conflagration is raging on in your town, Kumawu, you have rather chosen to concentrate on national issues. Is there any sense in what you are doing?" she said. ? I feel ashamed to have been reprimanded in no mean way by a woman. Like the folkloric Kwaku Ananse, I thought I possessed all the wisdom in the world not knowing I was deceiving myself. Anyway, it is said, "It does not belong to he who is leading to redirect their steps". I thank that kind succulent damsel for reminding me of my immediate and urgent duty to my Kumawu compatriots. ? I am aware of the Kumawu chieftaincy disputation but I have not accorded it the needed attention. Now that I have been mocked about it, I shall give the issue a priority until the case is settled amicably truthfully. ? I am aware of how the truth is being twisted. Some "Amanhene in Asanteman" for what they anticipate to earn or been promised, are deliberately contorting the history of Kumawu paramountcy. I will only appeal to them to conduct extensive research into the history of Kumawu before they proceed with their malevolence of which they will regret because I shall not sit by while they seek to underestimate the intelligence of Kumawu citizens. ? Kumawu people have suffered a lot for one reason or the other. Kumawu is almost destroyed, in terms of the lack of, or the provision of, essential developments. Do these voracious, selfish and insatiably greedy "Amanhene" still seek to worsen the plight of Kumawu citizens by way of helping a person of their choice, rather than that of the citizens of Kumawu, to ascend to the Kumawu Kodua stool? ? I have heard many years back that someone had promised to distribute some Kumawu money sitting in the bank among them in a form of bribe. This is on condition that they help him or her enthrone the person of his or her choice as the Omanhene of Kumawu even though; the person may not be the rightful royal. If this is true, then I say, those Asanteman Amanhene involved are playing with fire and the fire will burn them eventually, I promise. ? I will not let a woman chastise me only for me to sit down doing nothing but involve only in national issues. I will not drop my interest in national issues but I shall concentrate more on helping my Kumawu people from today forward. ? I would expect any Omanhene with dubious intentions about Kumawu to refrain from their habit because they will not escape without bruises. Kumawu people may be stupid but not as stupid as they presume them to be all these years. ? A word to the wise is enough. They had better contact real Kumawu people to learn about Kumawu royal family history. Better still, they can ask Nana Otuo Serebour II, the paramount chief of Asante-Juaben, about the negative impact his great ancestor, Nana Kwasi Boateng’s flight from Otumfuo Osei Yaw Akoto had on Kumawu chieftaincy.

It was Nana Kwasi Boateng, then Juabenhene, taking to flight before the onrushing Asanteman warriors to crush him for reasons I shall not disclose today, but leave them for Juabenhene to tell, the genesis of the Kumawu chieftaincy problem. His flight through Kumawu culminated in the final "Akwantu kese" that has since seen some Ashantis from Juaben, Effiduase and Oyoko, settled in the Eastern region of Ghana forever. ? ? I rest my case. I hope no chief will continue to see Kumawu people as fools. Do not take our silence and leniency for our weakness. I shall stand up against any such silly perception from whomever. As said elsewhere, respect is earned but not commanded. Additionally, respect is reciprocal. ? I invite all Kumawu citizens resident in London to join the Ghana Pressure Group being formed by Junior Scato of Hot FM radio station in London. It is by associating with such organizations and playing leading roles that one can become more powerful and a force to reckon with when dealing with issues of interest to Ghanaians back home. The Group met at Afrikiko Bar Restaurant & Night Club, 871 Old Kent Road, London SE15 1NX on Sunday, 3November 2013 from 18:00. I could not attend as announced but I shall contact him to become a member much as I love to defend Ghana against crooks and human parasites. ? ? Rockson Adofo ? ? ?