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Opinions of Saturday, 16 April 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Don’t be Deceived by the NDC’s Green Book

A type of this NDC’s Green Book was first authored and published by the late deposed and assassinated Libyan leader Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi, famously called Colonel Gaddafi.

This said Libyan Green Book spelt out not only Colonel Gaddafi’s achievements but also, his envisaged plans, policies and strategies to uplifting Libya from a developing country to a middle income nation, if not a developed nation of its kind in Africa. The book was not inundated with fabrications but contained exactly what he had achieved and the strategically way forward to realising his further prosperous dreams for Libya and the Libyans.

Contrarily, President John Dramani Mahama’s Green Book is nuanced by the NDC’s usual propaganda. The book can be said to be full to the brim, if not overflowing, with lies upon lies; the trait of the NDC party and government.

Unlike President Gaddafi’s, most of the so-called President Mahama’s achievements as stipulated in his much touted Green Book cannot be verified for certification because they do not exist. They are just pure fabrications!

How did I come by the above conclusion, a curious mind may inquire? It is very simple! I had and have been listening to live interviews/broadcasts on Ghana radios where some people including paramount chiefs have come on air to refute the alleged construction of roads and other infrastructural developments in their areas by the NDC government and President Mahama.

It is very embarrassing to hear people from the very localities where President Mahama claims to have constructed or initiated various infrastructural projects come on air to deny the existence of any such projects. Why have the President and the NDC cultivated such disgraceful habits geared toward taking Ghanaians for fools?

I can personally testify to the hollowness of the claim of achievements by President Mahama. During this year’s State of the Nation Address, he made mention of having built a hospital in Kumawu and supplied them with sixty hospital beds. I did not hesitate to put out a publication on the internet calling his bluff. The hospital is still under construction so how could he have provided an uncompleted hospital with sixty hospital beds?

These are the lies he goes about telling people. It is about time people came out to expose him. He is so infatuated with telling lies same as he is inextricably fond of personally perpetrating corruption.

Fellow Ghanaians, please do not allow President Mahama and his bunch of NDC opportunists like Koku Anyidohu, Johnson Asiedu Nketiah and Kofi Adams to play on your intelligence all of the time. The time has come for Ghanaians to tell them without mincing words that enough is enough with your lies by voting them out of power.

Put up with them for four more years and Ghana will be sold by them, as corrupt and damned scramblers for illegal wealth as they are.

Rockson Adofo