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Opinions of Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Columnist: Alhaji Alhasan Abdulai

Don’t let us join the electoral turmoil in West Africa

Opinion Opinion

As Ghana is preparing for elections in December 2016 it is the prayer of all that peace will prevail from now on. Other nations in West Africa such as Guinea Bissau Cote d I’voire, Burkina Faso among other nations in West Africa are struggling to maintain peace in those countries to ensure peaceful electioneering in those countries in October.

Burkina Faso which was also preparing to go to the polls in October suffered a slight set back when some misguided elements in the elite army in the nation staged a coup to oust the interim government headed by Michel Kafando.

However due to the intervention of the ECOWAS heads of states the coup has been overturned resulting in the reinstatement of the interim government. Although the nation will be normalized there is doubt whether the elections due in October will be realized.

It is our prayer that the people of this nation and their leaders would be able to put things right in time enough to allow inclusive participation by all political parties and personalities to take part in the elections and get things going once again. Just like Burkina Faso, Cote d I’voire Alasane Ouattara and Guinea’s Alpha Konde are facing re-elections problems in their countries. They are faced with herculean tasks from their opposition parties who are demonstrating against them and threatening to withdraw from the elections.

All these nations are known to have faced upheavals in the past leading them to experience coup d etats’ and currently likely to get into trouble once again. That is why the current chairman of ECOWAS President Macky Sall and some leaders in the sub region are constantly travelling to troubled nations to strategize to maintain peace in these countries.

Apart from these nations Central Africa Republic is one nation which in serious turmoil. Crisis in the Central African Republic (CAR) is long-term and characterized by sporadic surges of violence against a backdrop of state disintegration, a survival economy and deep inter-ethnic cleavages. Armed groups (including the anti-balaka and the ex-Seleka) are tearing the nation apart becoming increasingly criminalized; the latest reports in the media indicates that more than 30 people have killed in conflicts between Muslims and Christians leading to destruction to many houses in the nation .

Ghana which is considered the most peaceful nation in Africa and the world has no choice but to learn from the experiences of these nations by working hard to end conflicts over calls to change the voters register before the next elections and any other problems that can lead to conflicts in the country. All those who have the desire to get the voters register to be changed for a new one must take it easy . Please! Please!! Please!!! Stop the picketing and demonstrations. Just present your petitions to the Electoral Commission for consideration alongside other petitions sent by other groups and political parties. The cancellation of the current register would lead to Ghana going with cup in hand going to beg for funds abroad to effect the change.

Such huge amounts needed for the exercise could be channel into building more schools, clinics and roads needed in the nation. Honestly all that is needed is for a mechanism to be adopted to clean up the register of dead people, minors, foreigners and double registered persons. This advice goes to the leaders of the demonstrators, Let My Vote Count, and their supporters and collaborators who consist of learned people. It is true that you have the right to demonstrate but because your action is meant to provide recommendation to the Electoral Commission towards cleaning the voters register you should find a peaceful way of doing so.

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