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Opinions of Friday, 6 October 2017

Columnist: Peter Tonka

Don’t wait to start when it looks good; start when it's scary and risky

Peter Tonka Peter Tonka

Many of us lose a lot of great opportunities simply because we waited for so long. We waited to see so so and so start, we were asking to know who has started. And then, we finally made a decision to start, a decision that we would have been ten steps ahead if it was made earlier. It's more dangerous not to start on time and fail than to start on time and fail.

You want to be great, yet you're scared to fail. You want to rise, yet you don't want to fall. If you're not falling or failing, then you're not making any effort. Great people fail several times before making it, if you know the man who invented light bulb you will relate. When you get a couple of minutes, Google Thomas Edison, he failed approximately 99 times before he could get his invention right. For sure, people thought he was crazy.

My dear, to make it happen, fail and fail again if that's the only way to make it happen. Those we see at the top today or those risen to the top fell many times in their lives. A child learns to walk and falls down 50 times. He never thinks to himself "maybe this isn't for me". If you want to rise to the top, then think like a baby who is just learning how to walk.

The best of the land is usually exploited first. So those who usually ignore the syndrome of "what if I fail?" "I might lose" "I'm scared!" "Not now!" are always the first to get there and explore. I strongly believe that true success is not measured by what you achieved but how you achieved and under what circumstances. Someone wakes up and sees breakfast, another will wake up and prepare breakfast but there's someone who will get up, go to the street and work before affording breakfast but at the end of the day they all took breakfast.

So under what circumstance will you start? Yeah, when it's scary and risky. That's the time you give your best and not willing to let go. Jacob wrestled with God, which was scary and risky. Soo risky that people are even scared to mention it "wrestled with God". That which was risky and scary to try was where his glory and honor were. When it's risky and scary, that's the time there's something great at the end.

Where I come from, when we roast fresh groundnut, it'll still be in the fire whiles we eat , if you want to wait till the fire dies before you put your hand in, then know that the burnt groundnut are yours. In this life, to get ahead is to go ahead and do what no one else is willing to try. Go ahead and make what seems impossible possible. You were not born into the world to add to the number, you were born to change the world. You were born to do one thing that no one else can do but you. God has ordained you for greatness. Go and light the world.

If you were born to crawl and you are sitting, you're doing the world no good. If you were born to walk and you're still crawling it's time to rise. Maybe you were born to run and you're still walking, can't you see you're going nowhere? What if you were born to fly and you still claim you can't fly? You're only rusting, things that are meant to fly don't stay on the ground for long because it's risky. Let me explain, it is riskier for an aeroplane to stay on grounds than fly. It rusts when it's on the ground. You see? So take off to the sky, the ground is not meant for you. I love this wisdom "A bird born in a cage thinks it's ill to fly in the sky".

Are you crippled by your current circumstance? Say no to the grounds and take off to the sky!

Take a massive action now!!!

If you need an opportunity to start your life journey, you can whatsapp me on +233547000364.

Peter Tonka
Young Writer and Entrepreneur
0547000364 / 0203372278