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Opinions of Friday, 31 March 2023

Columnist: Abeiku Cobbinah

Dr. Bawumia: The tale of an economist presidential hopeful and digitalization torchbearer

Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia

In today's world, digitalization has become an essential part of our daily lives, and the demand for digital services has increased rapidly, especially during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for digitalization has become more evident than ever before. Thus, the idea of having a president who has the desire to usher the country Ghana into a digitized one is not just a want, but a necessity.

The importance of digitization in modern times cannot be overemphasized. Digitization means the use of digital technologies and platforms to enable faster and more efficient delivery of services. It also means the use of technology to connect people and provide access to information and resources that were previously unavailable or difficult to access.

A leader who is ready to serve as a president and has the desire to usher the country into a digitized one demonstrates the ability to understand and appreciate the need for digitalization. Such a leader is well aware of the benefits that digitalization can bring to the country, including economic growth, increased efficiency, and improved service delivery.

One of the key benefits of digitization is economic growth. Digitization can help businesses to reach a wider audience, reduce operational costs, and improve their overall efficiency. This can result in increased profits, job creation, and overall economic growth. Furthermore, digitization can also attract foreign investment, as it demonstrates that the country is progressive and forward-thinking.

Another benefit of digitization is increased efficiency in service delivery. With digitization, services can be delivered faster and more accurately. For instance, digital platforms can be used for online payments, which are faster and more secure than traditional payment methods. Similarly, digital platforms can be used to provide access to information and resources, making it easier for citizens to access services.

In addition to economic growth and improved service delivery, digitization can also improve the overall quality of life for citizens. For instance, digital platforms can be used to provide access to healthcare services, education, and other resources that were previously difficult to access. Digitalization can also help to reduce corruption and improve transparency in government operations.

In conclusion, a leader who has the desire to usher the country into a digitized one is an ideal candidate for the presidency. Such a leader is aware of the benefits of digitization and has a vision for a more modern and efficient country. With the ongoing pandemic and the increasing demand for digital services, the need for digitization has become more evident than ever before.

Therefore, electing a leader who is ready to serve as a president and has the desire to usher the country into a digitized one is not just a want, but a necessity.