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Opinions of Thursday, 16 June 2005

Columnist: Oyewo, Emmanuel

Dr Hammond, there are more entomologist in Ghana

I can hardy agree with Dr. Hammond on the shortage of entomologist in CRIG and the Ministry of Food and Agriculture. The University of Ghana has a Second degree programme (M. Phil) in Stroed Products Entomology. In 1998 alone 15 sudents passed out in Department of Zoology/Agriculture, out of which only one was employed by CRIG becuase his supervisor put him in CRIG to undertake research. There even a special programme called ARPPIS meaning Applied Regional Postgraduate Programme In Insect Science.

Most of my mates were turned done several times in CRIG and other research institutes due the 'embargo on employment' , no vacancy and other nonexistant reasons that were. Over 50 sudents have been turned out eversince and some frustrated one had to fall on Ministry of Education to teach biology in SSS. Now most of them are among the striking teachers. Dr. Hammond should should eitheer cross check his facts or go verify from University of Ghana before mounting the stage in Parliament.

Most brains for the job are going waste, no wonder most intellectuals pack baggage not to seek greener pastures but to practice what they know best. Even the Departments which train them fail to guide or train them to become lecturers, no wonder most science lecturers are very old. Post harvest loses are high because few scientist with the knowledge of entomlogy are not employed.

I entreat Dr. Hammond to visit the Department of Zoology/Agriculture at the academic year and pouch the entomologists from the scratch and get them employed.

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